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 SPAWNO 4.10 - Disk/EMS/XMS/INT15 Swapping   Ralf Brown 26.04.1991

Модуль Ральфа Брауна для своппинга на диск или в расширенную память. Версия 4.10.
SPAWNO v4.10 is a disk/EMS/XMS/INT15 swapping replacement for spawn() (c) 1990,1991,1992 Ralf Brown.


SPAWNO v4.10 4/26/91 disk/EMS/XMS/INT15 swapping replacement for spawn() (c) Copyright 1990,1991,1992 Ralf Brown. All Rights Reserved. ----------------- FILES The disk or archive you received should contain the following files: SPAWNO.DOC this file SPAWNO.H the header file providing prototypes for the functions SPAWNx.LIB versions of the library for each of [T]iny, [S]mall, [C]ompact, [M]edium, [L]arge, and [H]uge memory models. SPAWNTP.OBJ Turbo Pascal version of SPAWNO SPAWNO.PAS Turbo Pascal unit encapsulating SPAWNO SPAWN_MS.ZIP Microsoft C versions of compiler-specific functions MSC.BAT replace Turbo C specific functions in libraries with Microsoft C versions. NOREPLAC.BAT remove replacements for the standard spawn..() functions from the libraries. SWAPTEST.C example program for testing TEST.PAS example program for testing SOURCE.ZIP archive containing partial source code for SPAWNO _SPAWNO.H header file for recompiling library *.C source for the spawn..() and spawn...o() functions RULES.ASI shortened and modified Turbo C macro file SPAWNO.INC include file for various important constants SPAWNPTH.ASM source for the path search CHECKEXT.ASM check for 'file', 'file.EXE', and 'file.COM' SWAP_EMS.ASM support routines for swapping to EMS SWAPLIST.ASM specify which swap types will be linked in SPAWNENV.ASM make an environment block from an array of strings SPAWNERR.ASM set _doserrno and errno MAKEFILE ----------------- WHAT'S NEW Changes/fixes since version 4.00: Now swaps to disk with non-NULL swap list in large-data memory models Now correctly deletes swap file if child program changes directories If the given program name is "FOO", and both "FOO" and either "FOO.COM" and/or "FOO.EXE" exist in the same directory, it will now execute either "FOO.COM" or "FOO.EXE" rather than "FOO", as both version 4.00 and the Borland library functions do.