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 EMS - Using the LIM Expanded Memory for TP   Peter Immarco 01.01.1990

Программа демонстрирует использование базовых функций для работы с расширенной памятью EMS.
This program shows you how to use the basic functions of the LIM Expanded Memory Specification. Since it does not use any of the LIM EMS 4.0 function calls, you can also use it on systems with EMS versions less than 4.0


{ ************************************************************* * This program shows you how to use the basic functions of * * the LIM Expanded Memory Specification. Since it does not * * use any of the LIM EMS 4.0 function calls, you can also * * use it on systems with EMS versions less than 4.0 * ************************************************************* } { Written by: Peter Immarco. Thought Dynamics Manhattan Beach, CA Compuserve ID# 73770,123 *** Public Domain *** Used by permission of the author. } { This program does the following: +------------------------------------------------------------+ | * Makes sure the LIM Expanded Memory Manager (EMM) has | | been installed in memory | | * Displays the version number of the EMM present in memory | | * Determines if there are enough pages (16k blocks) of | | memory for our test program's usage. It then displays | | the total number of EMS pages present in the system, | | and how many are available for our usage | | * Requests the desired number of pages from the EMM | | * Maps a logical page onto one of the physical pages given | | to us | | * Displays the base address of our EMS memory page frame | | * Performs a simple read/write test on the EMS memory given| | to us | | * Returns the EMS memory given to us back to the EMM, and | | exits | +------------------------------------------------------------|} { All the calls are structured to return the result or