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   Математика    >>    numeric
 Some Functions for Numerical Analysis  Mark Stephen 19.12.1986

Набор из 26 функций для численного анализа. Включает в себя решение систем линейных уравнений, матричные операции, интегрирование, поиск корней уравнений, трансцендентные функции, решение дифференциальных уравнений и систем дифуравнений методом Рунге-Кутта, статистические функции, дискретные преобразования Фурье, симплекс-оптимизация...
This archive contains the scientific programs concerned with some aspect of numerical analysis: system of linear equations; matrix operations; Multiple definite integration; Finds a zero of a function; Invert a real matrix; Runge-Kutta solution of ordinary differential equation. (o.d.e.); efficient calculation of transcendental functions; Statistical operations; Adaptive Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (~5th order accuracy); Runge-Kutta-Nystrom -- 2nd. order equations; System of o.d.e.'s; Plot a 3d function; Integration; complex zeroes of a function; Least-squares curve fit, up to 7th. order curve; Bessel function; Discrete Fourier Transform; Complex math routines; Simplex optimization; Runge-Kutta-Verner, o.d.e's with 7th order accuracy; Recursively calculates integer powers.


This archive contains the following files. They are all concerned with some aspect of numerical analysis. In most cases the programs include a reference to their source. Perhaps the most generally useful and understandable text is 'Applied Numerical Analysis', Curtis F. Gerald -- his sample programs are about as