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 Pic1 - Colorized Micro Colonies [320x200x256]   Alexey Monastyrenko 24.04.97

Демонстрационная программа-заставка, внешне напоминающая игру "Жизнь". Отличие в том, что на одном экране оказываются одновременно несколько разных (разноцветных) колоний, каждая из которых "пытается выжить" за счет других.


  {> Cut here. FileName= PAL_RAD.SRC } const PalConst:Real=0; procedure SetPalette; function f(x:real):real; begin x := x+palconst; x := (x - round(x)); f:=x*x*4; end; var N, C : Integer; r,g,b,i: real; begin Port[$3C8] := 0; for N := 0 to 255 do begin R := F(N/256-1/3); G := F(N/256); B := F(N/256+1/3); i :=r; if g>i then i:= g; if b>i then i:=b; Port[$3C9] := round(r*63/1); Port[$3C9] := round(g*63/1); Port[$3C9] := round(b*63/1); end; end; {of SetPalette} {> Cut here. FileName= PIC1.PAS } {$R-,Q-,S-,Q-} uses crt; {$i pal_rad.src} type TScr = array[0..199,0..319] of byte; var Scr: TScr absolute $A000:$0000; type TScr2 = array[0..63999] of byte; var Scr2: TScr2 absolute $A000:$0000; var Scr3, Scr4: ^TScr; const color:byte=255; function longmul(X, Y: Integer): Longint; inline($5A/$58/$f7/$EA); function LongDiv(X: Longint; Y: Integer): Integer; inline($59/$58/$5A/$F7/$F9); procedure line(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer); var i,j:integer; begin i := abs(x2-x1); j := abs(y2-y1); if i<j then i:=j; if i=0 then exit; for j := 0 to i do begin { inc(scr[y1+longdiv(longmul(y2-y1,j), i), x1+longdiv(longmul(x2-x1,j), i)], color);{} scr[y1+longdiv(longmul(y2-y1,j), i), x1+longdiv(longmul(x2-x1,j), i)] := (y1+longdiv(longmul(y2-y1,j), i)) or (1+(x1+longdiv(longmul(x2-x1,j), i)) div 2); end; end; procedure drop(x,y,r:integer); {капля} var i,j,L:integer; x1,y1:integer; begin for i := -r to +r do begin L := round(sqrt(sqr(r+0.5)-sqr(i))); for j := -L to +L do begin x1 := x+ ((j*7) div 8); y1 := y+ ((i*7) div 8); scr3^[y+i,x+j] := scr4^[y1, x1];{} { scr3^[y+i,x+j] := (scr4^[y1, x1]+scr4^[y1, x1+1]+ scr4^[y1, x1-1]+scr4^[y1+1, x1]+scr4^[y1-1, x1]) div 5;{} end; end; for i := y-r to y+r do for j := x-r to x+r do begin scr4^[i,j] := scr3^[i,j];{} scr[i,j] := scr3^[i,j]; end; end; Procedure vidMode(mode : byte);assembler; asm mov ah,$00; mov al,mode; int 10h; end; var x,y,x1,y1:integer; i:word; begin vidMode($13); { 320x200x256 graphics mode } SetPalette; GetMem(Scr3,65535); GetMem(Scr4,65535); y := random(200); x := random(320); i :=0; for i:=0 to 65535 do begin y := (i + (i shl 5) xor i shl 3 ) div 320; x := (i + (i shl 5) xor i shl 3 ) mod 320; y1:=y; x1:=x; scr[y, x] :={y xor x}random(255); end; scr4^:=scr; scr3^:=scr; repeat { palconst:=palconst+0.01; setpalette;{} y := random(200); x := random(320); drop(x,y,4); until keypressed; readkey; vidMode($03); { return to 80x25 textmode } writeln('i=',i); end.