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Sorting Columns in Report View

Ken Sutherland -- ken@j-mac.co.jp
Wednesday, February 19, 1997

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

My PreCreateWindow and OnIntialUpdate look like this:

	BOOL CMyListView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
		cs.style = (cs.style & ~LVS_TYPEMASK) | LVS_REPORT;
		return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs);

	void CMyListView::OnInitialUpdate() 
		CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
		CString cHeading = "This is a test";
		cListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, cHeading);
		int Width = cListCtrl.GetStringWidth(cHeading) + 20;
		cListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, Width);
		cListCtrl.InsertItem(0, "Row 0");
		cListCtrl.InsertItem(1, "Row 1");
		cListCtrl.InsertItem(2, "Row 2");

My CompareFunc looks like this:

	int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM lCol)
		TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2, 
		return 0;

	void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
		int ColNum = pNMListView->iSubItem;
		TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
		CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
		cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
		*pResult = 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

	Sorting Column 0
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland  

Peter Moss -- pmoss@bbn.com
Wednesday, February 19, 1997

A couple of problems with your approach which are completely consistent with 
the results you indicate:

Your API for the CompareFunc is incorrect.  The CListCtrl::SortItems doc 
describes it correctly:

int CALLBACK CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort);
The lParam1 and lParam2 parameters specify the item data for the two items 
being compared. The lParamSort parameter is the same as the dwData value.
2. Note that the LPARAM args lParam1 and lParam2 are the 32-bit data values 
that you store with each item in your control.  In your example, you do not 
set these values using InsertItem or SetItemData, thus their values are 0 (or 
NULL) for all items.  This explains your problem.
Thus, you'll need to use the Data value since that's all you get in your 
CompareFunc in order to do your sorting.
Good luck,

To: mfc-l  @ Internet
Subject: Sorting Columns in Report View

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

My PreCreateWindow and OnIntialUpdate look like this:

 BOOL CMyListView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
  cs.style = (cs.style & ~LVS_TYPEMASK) | LVS_REPORT;
  return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs);

 void CMyListView::OnInitialUpdate() 
  CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
  CString cHeading = "This is a test";
  cListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, cHeading);
  int Width = cListCtrl.GetStringWidth(cHeading) + 20;
  cListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, Width);
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(0, "Row 0");
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(1, "Row 1");
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(2, "Row 2");

My CompareFunc looks like this:

 int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM lCol)
  TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2, 
  return 0;

 void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
  int ColNum = pNMListView->iSubItem;
  TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
  CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
  cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
  *pResult = 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

 Sorting Column 0
 CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
 CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland  

Alan Ruland -- alan@hstart.com
Wednesday, February 19, 1997

Ken ,

While most would expect the parameters of CompareFunc to be the item
numbers of the two items being compared, they are actually the item datas
of those two items.

Doc:  "The lParam1 and lParam2 parameters specify the item data for the two
items being compared."

(The way you have it coded, you assumed the parameters were the actual text
of the compared column.  I think I see where you were confused--- by "item
data", the docs are referring to the GetItemData/SetItemData 32 bit value,
not the item text.)

The standard kludge to get around this is to add item data to all your
items, making them all unique values, and provide a mapping to the
corresponding item numbers or item text.  I would expect other answers to
your question to advocate this (there was an artilce in a recent MSJ that
used this approach).

The problem with this, of course, is when you want to add sorting to a list
control that already uses the item data value to store useful information
for the items.


From: 	owner-mfc-l
Sent: 	Wednesday, February 19, 1997 12:38 PM
To: 	mfc-l
Subject: 	Sorting Columns in Report View

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

My PreCreateWindow and OnIntialUpdate look like this:

        BOOL CMyListView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
                cs.style = (cs.style & ~LVS_TYPEMASK) | LVS_REPORT;
                return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs);

        void CMyListView::OnInitialUpdate() 
                CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
                CString cHeading = "This is a test";
                cListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, cHeading);
                int Width = cListCtrl.GetStringWidth(cHeading) + 20;
                cListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, Width);
                cListCtrl.InsertItem(0, "Row 0");
                cListCtrl.InsertItem(1, "Row 1");
                cListCtrl.InsertItem(2, "Row 2");

My CompareFunc looks like this:

        int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM
                TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2, 
                return 0;

        void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
                NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
                int ColNum = pNMListView->iSubItem;
                TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
                CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
                cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
                *pResult = 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

        Sorting Column 0
        CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
        CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland  

ABBINFO -- mail.karatel.fr@majordomo.netcom.com
Thursday, February 20, 1997

[Mini-digest: 5 responses]

I think that your problem comes to the parameters of your sorting =
You declare the 2 first parameters in char * when that the correct =
declaration is LPARAM.

See this sample :

int the OnColumnclick
void CDlgReceptionMessages::OnColumnclickListMessagesRecus(NMHDR* =
pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)=20
----- My sorting function that is static, the parameter is a pointer of =
the instance of the current object

--- Then in the static sorting function, I get the text of the 2 =
compared items.
lParam1 and lParam2 represent the number of items that are compared, not =
the text!!!

int CALLBACK CDlgReceptionMessages::CompareObjets(LPARAM lParam1,
							LPARAM lParam2,
							LPARAM LParamSort)
	int					Result=3D0;
	CDlgReceptionMessages		*pPapa;
	CString					Chaine1;
	CString					Chaine2;

	// Recuparation du pointeur sur l'instance de la classe creee
	pPapa =3D (CDlgReceptionMessages *) LParamSort;
	if(lParam1>=3D0 && lParam2>=3D0)
		// Recuperation  des items
		Chaine1 =3D (pPapa->m_ListMessRecus).GetItemText((int)lParam1,
		Chaine2 =3D (pPapa->m_ListMessRecus).GetItemText((int)lParam2,
		Result =3D Chaine1.Compare(LPCTSTR(Chaine2));
	return Result;

----- Don't forget that when you insert yours items in the report list =
add the number of item for the sorting function because it uses the =
lParam of the item :

iltem is the number of item inserted

obj.iItem		=3D iItem;
obj.iSubItem		=3D 0;
obj.stateMask	=3D 0;
obj.state		=3D 0;
obj.lParam		=3D iItem;
obj.pszText		=3D texte;

iActualItem =3D m_ListMessRecus.InsertItem(&obj);
De : 	Ken Sutherland

My CompareFunc looks like this:

	int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM lCol)
		TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2,=20
		return 0;

	void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)=20
		int ColNum =3D pNMListView->iSubItem;
		TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
		CListCtrl& cListCtrl =3D (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
		cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
		*pResult =3D 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

	Sorting Column 0
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland =20

-----From: coghlans 

> From:	Ken Sutherland [SMTP:ken@j-mac.co.jp]
> Sent:	Wednesday, February 19, 1997 3:39 AM
> I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
> CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
> compare function, so I can't compare anything.


In order to get the CompareFunc to work, the list must have Data pointer =
set up that reflect the actual displayed list data. The function Def =
looks like :-
int CALLBACK CompareFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM =

were the LPARAM variables have to be cast to the actual data types. i.e. =

int CALLBACK CLogListCtrl::CompareFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, =
LPARAM lParamSort )
{	ITEMINFO* pItem1 =3D (ITEMINFO*)lParam1;
	ITEMINFO* pItem2 =3D (ITEMINFO*)lParam2;
	int iResult =3D 0;
	// Do the Compare
	switch( lParamSort  & 0x0f)
		case 0:
			if ( pItem1->iLine > pItem2->iLine )	// Date
				iResult =3D 1;
				iResult =3D -1;

Dont forget that when an item is deleted you will have to delete the =
item data pointer as well . i.e.
void CLogListCtrl::OnDeleteitem( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult )=20
	ASSERT( pNMListView->hdr.code =3D=3D LVN_DELETEITEM );

	ITEMINFO* pObject =3D (ITEMINFO*)CListCtrl::GetItemData( =
pNMListView->iItem );
		ASSERT( pObject );
	delete pObject;
	*pResult =3D 0;
}		// End CLogListCtrl::OnDeleteitem

Check out CListCtrl::InsertItem(...) for details of adding Data objects =
to List items..

----------<- Smurf-IV ->-------------
Tel : 0121 200 7713
Fax : +44 (0)121 212 0379
Email smurf-iv@sharelink.com
Member of the 'Team of nee CIS'  now FOA in CPA ;-)
---------<- Fun To All ->------------
We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an act, but a =
The one who says it cannot be done, should never interrupt the one who =
is doing it.
The Roman Rule
-----Original Message-----
From:	Ken Sutherland [SMTP:ken@j-mac.co.jp]
Sent:	Wednesday, February 19, 1997 3:39 AM
To:	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:	Sorting Columns in Report View

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

My PreCreateWindow and OnIntialUpdate look like this:

	BOOL CMyListView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)=20
		cs.style =3D (cs.style & ~LVS_TYPEMASK) | LVS_REPORT;
		return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs);

	void CMyListView::OnInitialUpdate()=20
		CListCtrl& cListCtrl =3D (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
		CString cHeading =3D "This is a test";
		cListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, cHeading);
		int Width =3D cListCtrl.GetStringWidth(cHeading) + 20;
		cListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, Width);
		cListCtrl.InsertItem(0, "Row 0");
		cListCtrl.InsertItem(1, "Row 1");
		cListCtrl.InsertItem(2, "Row 2");

My CompareFunc looks like this:

	int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM lCol)
		TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2,=20
		return 0;

	void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)=20
		int ColNum =3D pNMListView->iSubItem;
		TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
		CListCtrl& cListCtrl =3D (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
		cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
		*pResult =3D 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

	Sorting Column 0
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland =20

-----From: Simon Young 

Yes,  I have experienced this, but in a slightly different environment. I 
discovered that exactly the same code in a CListCtrl compare function was 
passing me null pointers when run under Win32s but functioned correctly on NT 
3.51. Another twist was that a CListView with the same code was OK on both 
platforms but a CListCtrl inserted into a CDialogBar didn't work on WIN32s.

In the end I resorted to sorting the data myself using qsort and then relying 
on the order of insert into the control to display it correctly. This worked OK.



To: mfc-l @ netcom.com @ SMTP
From: ken @ j-mac.co.jp (Ken Sutherland) @ SMTP
Sent: Wed 02/19/97 12:38:45 PM EST
Subject: Sorting Columns in Report View

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

My PreCreateWindow and OnIntialUpdate look like this:

 BOOL CMyListView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
  cs.style = (cs.style & ~LVS_TYPEMASK) | LVS_REPORT;
  return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs);

 void CMyListView::OnInitialUpdate() 
  CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
  CString cHeading = "This is a test";
  cListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, cHeading);
  int Width = cListCtrl.GetStringWidth(cHeading) + 20;
  cListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, Width);
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(0, "Row 0");
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(1, "Row 1");
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(2, "Row 2");

My CompareFunc looks like this:

 int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM lCol)
  TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2, 
  return 0;

 void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
  int ColNum = pNMListView->iSubItem;
  TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
  CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
  cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
  *pResult = 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

 Sorting Column 0
 CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
 CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland  

-----From: "petter.hesselberg" 

The definition of PFNLVCOMPARE is:


There's nothing here about strings. The fact that you had to typecast your 
function is an ominous sign. In fact, the two first parameters are NOT strings, 
but the user-defined lParam values in the LV_ITEM struct. Since you do not set 
these in your code, they remain 0.

If you set the lParam of each item to be the address of the text string you're 
displaying, your Compare function should work (see the more complex variants of 
AddItem for how to do this). If you use this approach, make sure those string 
pointers remain valid. A better approach would be to apply some architectural 
thinking. All but the most elementary uses of listviews are complex. Consider 
using lParam as a pointer to an object, and using the listview callback 
mechanisms for display text, icons, et cetera.

Petter Hesselberg
Andersen Consulting

To: mfc-l @ netcom.com  @ internet
cc:  (bcc: Petter Hesselberg)
From: ken @ j-mac.co.jp (Ken Sutherland) @ internet
Date: 19-02-97 18:38
Subject: Sorting Columns in Report View
Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

My PreCreateWindow and OnIntialUpdate look like this:

 BOOL CMyListView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
  cs.style = (cs.style & ~LVS_TYPEMASK) | LVS_REPORT;
  return CListView::PreCreateWindow(cs);

 void CMyListView::OnInitialUpdate() 
  CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
  CString cHeading = "This is a test";
  cListCtrl.InsertColumn(0, cHeading);
  int Width = cListCtrl.GetStringWidth(cHeading) + 20;
  cListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(0, Width);
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(0, "Row 0");
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(1, "Row 1");
  cListCtrl.InsertItem(2, "Row 2");

My CompareFunc looks like this:

 int CALLBACK CompareFunc(char * pString1, char * pString2, LPARAM lCol)
  TRACE("CompareFunc('%s', '%s', %i)\n", pString1, pString2, 
  return 0;

 void CMyListView::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
  int ColNum = pNMListView->iSubItem;
  TRACE("Sorting Column %i\n", ColNum);
  CListCtrl& cListCtrl = (CListCtrl&) GetListCtrl();
  cListCtrl.SortItems((PFNLVCOMPARE)CompareFunc, ColNum);
  *pResult = 0;

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

 Sorting Column 0
 CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
 CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?

Ken Sutherland  

-----From: Kostya Sebov 

Dear Ken,
In mfc-l you wrote:
Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win NT 4.0
(Note: I'm using Japanese versions)

I am having trouble sorting columns in Report View.
CListView::SortItems is always passing null pointers (zeros) to my
compare function, so I can't compare anything.

When I click on column 0, I get the following trace output:

	Sorting Column 0
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)
	CompareFunc('(null)', '(null)', 0)

I have been trying to follow
"samples\mfc\INTERNET\HTTPSVR\HTTPVIEW.CPP" as closely as possible, but
no matter what I try, I always get the null pointers, though the column
number is passes correctly.

Has anyone experienced this?


Help on CListCtrl::SortItems (in the Visual's Books Online) states:
	The lParam1 and lParam2 [in the CompareProc] parameters specify the item data for the 
	two items being compared. The lParamSort parameter is the same as the dwData value
	[ passed to the CListCtrl::SortItems].

So you should "compare" not the strings but the custom data you've previously associated 
with the listview items. Of course you may set it to the same strings (if you manage them 

IMO, the way sorting for the listview items is implemented is hardly obvious and flexible
but it well documented and manageable.

	Kostya Sebov. 
Tel: +(38 044) 266-6387 /work/,   +(38 044) 513-2591 /home/
mailto: sebov@is.kiev.ua
Leading programmer 
Intelligent Systems (Boston-Kiev)
voice/fax: +(38 044)266-6195
mailto: company@is.kiev.ua

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