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SetActivePage with Property Sheet in VC1.52c ??

Rail J. Rogut -- railro@earthlink.net
Sunday, February 16, 1997

Environment: VC++ 1.52, VC++ 4.1, Win3.1, Win 95

Hi to all,

The following code, which works under V4.1 (32 bit), does not quite do
the trick with VC++ 1.52c.  I was wondering if anyone else has managed
to get this to work correctly - before I waste too much time on it.

What I have is a PropertySheet with 2 pages:  COffset and
CSelectTracksDlg.  I have a CBitmapButton in the same location on both
pages with which I let the user toggle between the 2 pages.

COffset is the first page and it's button is mapped to:

void COffset::OnNextPage()
        // For Win95:
        // ((CPropertySheet*)GetParentOwner())->SetActivePage(1);
        // For Win3.11: 

CSelectTracksDlg is the 2nd page & it's button is mapped to:

void CSelectTracksDlg::OnPrevPage()

The pages do seem to switch, but the dialogs aren't repainted - so it
ends up with the wrong controls (invisible) on top of the wrong page. 
I've thought of Invalidating the dialog - but that doesn't switch the
tab indication.

Any input would be appreciated.


        Oceanway Recording

sunil -- sunil@fcpl.co.in
Monday, February 17, 1997

Following is the code that may help U
replace the single statement of SetActivePage in both the handlers with these statements.

        ((CPropertySheet*)GetParent())->SetActivePage(1 OR 0);

	You need to write the last statement because it seems that VC1.52/VC2.0's CPropertySheet::SetActivePage() does not handle setting of 
tab along with the page.and it stores the current active tab separately

From: 	Rail J. Rogut[SMTP:railro@earthlink.net]
Sent: 	Sunday, February 16, 1997 10:46 PM
To: 	MFC-L
Subject: 	SetActivePage with Property Sheet in VC1.52c ??

Environment: VC++ 1.52, VC++ 4.1, Win3.1, Win 95

Hi to all,

The following code, which works under V4.1 (32 bit), does not quite do
the trick with VC++ 1.52c.  I was wondering if anyone else has managed
to get this to work correctly - before I waste too much time on it.

What I have is a PropertySheet with 2 pages:  COffset and
CSelectTracksDlg.  I have a CBitmapButton in the same location on both
pages with which I let the user toggle between the 2 pages.

COffset is the first page and it's button is mapped to:

void COffset::OnNextPage()
        // For Win95:
        // ((CPropertySheet*)GetParentOwner())->SetActivePage(1);
        // For Win3.11: 

CSelectTracksDlg is the 2nd page & it's button is mapped to:

void CSelectTracksDlg::OnPrevPage()

The pages do seem to switch, but the dialogs aren't repainted - so it
ends up with the wrong controls (invisible) on top of the wrong page. 
I've thought of Invalidating the dialog - but that doesn't switch the
tab indication.

Any input would be appreciated.


        Oceanway Recording

Rail J. Rogut -- railro@earthlink.net
Tuesday, February 18, 1997

sunil wrote:

>           ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
>         ((CPropertySheet*)GetParent())->SetActivePage(1 OR 0);
>           m_tabRow.SetCurSel(1);
>         You need to write the last statement because it seems that VC1.52/VC2.0's CPropertySheet::SetActivePage() does not handle setting of
> tab along with the page.and it stores the current active tab >separately


It's funny, I tried that but it wouldn't redraw the TabCtrl highlight to
show the tab in bold (everything else was okay) - so I ended up using:


BOOL COffsetSheet::SetPage(int nPage)
       SendMessage(TCM_TABCHANGING, 0, 0);
       return m_tabRow.SetCurSel(nPage);

the call to TabChanging() did it.

Thanks for the help tho' - I knew someone must have figured this one out

        Oceanway Recording

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