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Initialization dialog

Syed -- sxs296@psu.edu
Saturday, December 21, 1996

Environment: Visual C++ 4.0, Win95      

Hi there,
        I want to display a dialog box after the application is all
initialized (the application window is visible, splash screen is vanished)
much like MS-PowerPoint - where there is a dialog asking what kind of New
Presentation etc etc each time PowerPoint is launched. This problem has been
bugging me for months and it's now the time to get rid of it.:)
        I have tried to do it, but it does not fulfill exactly what I want
to do. What I did was:-
        In View's OnCreate, I call up the initialization dialog. If the user
select something (other than cancel), the program will send a message to the
parent frame to open or create a new file. The problem is if I want to open
a file,there will be assertion error saying that IsWindow(framewindow) is NULL.
Therefore, obviously I put the code in the wrong place. Therefore, I tried
placing it at View's OnInitialUpdate; the result I don't remember exactly
but it's worse than in OnCreate. No luck either with OnCreateClient. Placing
the initialization dialog in OnCreate is by far, the best I could think of
to get desired result (unsatisfactory one though). I don't want to place
the code in WM_PAINT or WM_SIZE because it would generate unnecessary
CPU-overhead. The sample code might look like below:-
static BOOL bOnce = FALSE;
if (bOnce == FALSE) // The overhead is here..
// perform initialization here...
bOnce = TRUE;

However, I see that it (placing the dialog initialization at
WM_PAINT/WM_SIZE) might be the better way as the overhead is minimal but
certainly it doesn't look very efficient.
Thanks for responses.

P. Senthil -- senthilp@geocities.com
Monday, December 23, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Syed wrote:
> Environment: Visual C++ 4.0, Win95
> Hi there,
>         I want to display a dialog box after the application is all
> initialized (the application window is visible, splash screen is vanished)
> much like MS-PowerPoint - where there is a dialog asking what kind of New
> Presentation etc etc each time PowerPoint is launched. This problem has been
> bugging me for months and it's now the time to get rid of it.:)
>         I have tried to do it, but it does not fulfill exactly what I want
> to do. What I did was:-
>         In View's OnCreate, I call up the initialization dialog. If the user
> select something (other than cancel), the program will send a message to the
> parent frame to open or create a new file. The problem is if I want to open
> a file,there will be assertion error saying that IsWindow(framewindow) is NULL.
> Therefore, obviously I put the code in the wrong place. Therefore, I tried
> placing it at View's OnInitialUpdate; the result I don't remember exactly
> but it's worse than in OnCreate. No luck either with OnCreateClient. Placing
> the initialization dialog in OnCreate is by far, the best I could think of
> to get desired result (unsatisfactory one though). I don't want to place
> the code in WM_PAINT or WM_SIZE because it would generate unnecessary
> CPU-overhead. The sample code might look like below:-
> {
> static BOOL bOnce = FALSE;
> if (bOnce == FALSE) // The overhead is here..
> {
> // perform initialization here...
> bOnce = TRUE;
> return;
> }
> }
> However, I see that it (placing the dialog initialization at
> WM_PAINT/WM_SIZE) might be the better way as the overhead is minimal but
> certainly it doesn't look very efficient.
> Thanks for responses.

In your CWinApp derived class, override the OnFileNew member and create
your dialog like the following code:
	if (m_templateList.IsEmpty())
		TRACE0("Error : no document templates registered with CWinApp\n");

	CmYourDlg dlg(m_pMainWnd);
	if (IDOK != dlg.DoModal())
		return;     		// none - cancel operation
	// This is for only one document type in an MDI, modify suitably for
SDI and
	// multiple documents.
	CMultiDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CMultiDocTemplate

	if (NULL != pTemplate)
-----From: Colin Angus Mackay 

> Environment: Visual C++ 4.0, Win95      
> Hi there,
>         I want to display a dialog box after the application is all
> initialized (the application window is visible, splash screen is vanished)
> much like MS-PowerPoint - where there is a dialog asking what kind of New
> Presentation etc etc each time PowerPoint is launched. This problem has been
> bugging me for months and it's now the time to get rid of it.:)
[bit skipped]
> Thanks for responses.

I had a similar problem but my solution all works with in the
InitInstance of my application class. This is some of the code I use...

BOOL CMy_App::InitInstance()

	CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;

	// CSplashWnd is created by the Component Gallery

//[code skipped - put all your other inits here]

	// If the splash screen is enabled wait a further 2.5 seconds
	if (cmdInfo.m_bShowSplash)

	// The main window has been initialized, so show and update it.

	return StartupMessage();

BOOL CMy_App::StartupMessage()
	// This function handles the startup dialog that askes for
	// a new project, last project or open existing project. If the
	// quit button is pressed then FALSE is returned, otherwize TRUE
	// is returned.

//[code skipped - handle your dialog here]

	return TRUE;

I hope all this helps,

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