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CFileDialog guilty or not guilty

Philip Beck -- splinta@cix.compulink.co.uk
Tuesday, December 10, 1996

Environment: Win 3.11, VC++ 1.52


I'm working on a 16 bit mfc sdi app and it appears that there is either a 
bug in CFileDialog or I need some advice on my link options.

Attached to one of my toolbar buttons is a call to a dll function. I can 
click on that button as many times as I like and the dll function works 

Another toolbar button brings up the open-file version of CFileDialog and 
I pass a buffer to it so that I can get multiple selected file names on 
the return :- 

void CMyView::func()
        static char BASED_CODE szFilter[] = "Targa (*.tga) | *.tga ||";
        CFileDialog *GetImages = new CFileDialog(TRUE,NULL,NULL,  

// Create a larger buffer and give it to the dialog
   LPSTR lpszBuffer = new char[_MAX_PATH*8];
   if (lpszBuffer != NULL)
     GetImages->m_ofn.lpstrFile = lpszBuffer;
     GetImages->m_ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH*8;
     GetImages->m_ofn.lpstrFile[0] = 0;
   CString returnedFileNames;
   if(GetImages->DoModal() == IDOK)
     returnedFileNames = GetImages->GetPathName();
      delete GetImages; delete lpszBuffer;

If I immediately close the file-open dialog as soon as it appears by 
clicking on the cancel button, I can still call the dll function okay. 
But if I do anything else (like change to the root directory and DON'T 
select any files) and then still hit cancel - my DLL call has problems - 
the function executes but doesn't get very far. I can go all over my 
program and calls to my DLL seem to work okay. It only fails after this 
CFileDialog has been used.

It is a big program and I have expanded the stack and messed around with 
loads of compile/ link options.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated...


Patrice Buriez -- patriceb@businessline.tm.fr
Friday, December 13, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Hi Phil,

>>> LPSTR lpszBuffer = new char[_MAX_PATH*8];
>>> delete lpszBuffer;
Is this a real code excerpt ? Or did you retype it to write your message
May be the problems you experience would not appear if you write (as you
ought to :-):
  delete [] lpszBuffer;

>>> I pass a buffer to it so that I can get multiple selected file names
Two years ago, I have also tried to use a multi-select FileOpen dialog
At that time, it was with MSVC 1.51 under WFW 3.11.
I have had some problems, but MFC was not guilty: the unexpected
behaviour lied in COMMDLG. I can't remember which version it was,
As far as I can remember, I have faced the following problems:

1) To allow any number of selected files, I always started with a 3
bytes m_ofn.lpstrFile buffer, in order to always make the
FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL error generated. As documented, I then casted the
m_ofn.lpstrFile to LPWORD to get the expected buffer size. As I
experienced, this size was accurate if the OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT flag was
NOT set (single-select FileOpen dialog box). However, if this flag WAS
set (actually what I needed), the size was not "truely" accurate. I had
to add an extra few bytes to this size to avoid getting the
FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL error again. I can't remember exactly how many "few
bytes" I had to add (1, 2 or 3). I determined it through many tests. I
guess some of you are smiling: I can tell you it was not an extra nul
terminating byte allocation problem. By "not truely accurate", I mean
(a) that the expected buffer size returned in *(LPWORD)m_ofn.lpstrFile
was the actual buffer size needed to store the filenames and the nul
terminating byte, and (b) that when I allocated such a buffer and
specified this size in m_ofn.nMaxFile, I always get the
FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL error again. As I understood, the COMMDLG function
checked for a buffer larger than needed and requested. Once I solved
this allocation problem, I discovered that there is a 2K buffer size
limit, which prevents "any" (though rather high :-) number of selected

2) I also faced the following path problem: The path for the first file
is provided as the first space-separated string, the first filename is
the second space-separated string, and the other filenames follow as
space-separated strings, prefixed with a relative path if needed. There
is no problem if the user selects a set of files in the same directory,
or even on the same drive. However, though not obvious because the user
had to manually enter filenames in the edit box in this case, there
could be a problem if the user selects a set of files on more than one
drive. I can't remember exactly whether the returned string always
contained the substring "d:foobar.txt" (without path) when I entered
"d:\test\foobar.txt" in the edit box, or if had to enter "d:foorbar.txt"
in the edit box while "\test" being the current directory on "d:" in the
FileOpen dialog box context. But I can remember, when the returned
string contained the substring "d:foobar.txt" (without path), that there
was no warranty that the current directory had not changed on "d:".
Please remember that the other substrings contained relative paths to a
directory on another drive (eg: "c:\myapp"). At that time, I was using
BarClock (a titlebar clock application), which regularly changed the
current directory to its installation directory. This lead me to the
following problem: the filenames were correctly validated in the
FileOpen dialog box context, but the filenames later obtained from
_fullpath() could be wrong. I found no work-around to this problem.

I eventually gave up with multi-select FileOpen dialog boxes. The
solution I have implemented is as follows:
I have derived a class from CFileDialog to create a single-select
FileOpen dialog box.
In OnInitDialog(), I renamed the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons respectively
to "Add" and "Close".
In OnFileNameOK(), I transmitted the selected filename to my doc object
and I always returned TRUE to prevent the dialog box from closing (as if
the filename was rejected). By the way, there is an inconsistency in the
MFC Help file: trust the implementation of CFileDialog::OnFileNameOK(),
don't call it but return the opposite return value to change the default
To actually close the dialog box when the user has selected all the
files he needed, he simply had to click on the "Close"-renamed Cancel
This worked fine for me and was user-friendly for "any number" of
selected files.
May be you'll find it useful !

Hope this helps !

>----- =8^) ------------------------------------------------------
>Patrice BURIEZ
>Phone:	+33 (1) 30 84 43 16
>Fax:	+33 (1) 30 84 44 59
>Email:	patriceb@businessline.tm.fr
>Visit:	http://www.businessline.tm.fr
>Opinions expressed are my own and are not those of my employer.

-----From: jeremy@omsys.com (Jeremy H. Griffith)

On Tue, 10 Dec 96 18:27 GMT0, splinta@cix.compulink.co.uk (Philip Beck) wrote:

>void CMyView::func()
>// Create a larger buffer and give it to the dialog
>   LPSTR lpszBuffer = new char[_MAX_PATH*8];
>      delete GetImages; delete lpszBuffer;

Looks like you're confusing the allocator by deleting the buffer
incorrectly.  Use "delete [] lpszBuffer;" and see if the problem
disappears.  In general, when executing code causes other code
run afterward to fail that otherwise doesn't, look very closely
at all your "new" and "delete" references...


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