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Problems with OnChar for CEdit

Yoong Hor Meng -- eng30391@leonis.nus.sg
Monday, December 09, 1996

	Environment: Windows 3.11, VC++ 1.52

	I am using an edit control which is subclassed with CParseEdit
which is derived CEdit class. It is able to filter out any character
depending on the style.  (CParseEdit is in the file

	Now, the problem is that CParseEdit's number style
(PES_NUMBER) does not accept decimal point.  So I modified it as follow

// paredit.cpp: C++ derived edit control for numbers/letters etc
#include "paredit.h"

	m_wParseStyle = 0;
	m_bDecimalFlag = 0; // No decimal point set yet.

void CParsedEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
	WORD type;
	if (nChar < 0x20)
		type = PES_ALL; // always allow control chars
	else if (nChar == '.')	// I added decimal point.
			type = PES_NUMBERS;
			m_bDecimalFlag = 1;
	else if (nChar >= '0' && nChar <= '9')
		type = PES_NUMBERS;
	else if (nChar >= 'A' && nChar <= 'Z') // hard coded to english
		type = PES_LETTERS;
	else if (nChar >= 'a' && nChar <= 'z')
		type = PES_LETTERS;

	if (m_wParseStyle & type)
		CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);  // permitted
		// illegal character - inform parent

	So it can accept decimal point and once it is entered, the class
does not accept it anymore.  However if the user use backspace or delete
keys to delete the decimal point, then it cannot accept the decimal again.
So, I try to get the string that has been typed so far for a particular
edit control and scan for decimal point whenever the user press backspace 
and delete.  I read documentation for CEdit, it has a member function
GetLine which only return the string if the edit control is multiline.
So I cannot use this method.

	I have an idea in mind, I create a CString varaible inside
CParseEdit.  It will store the character that has been typed before tab
and enter keys.  I can then process them.  Is there a better way?

	Another problem is that, whenever the user used ctrl-V (paste)
command and if the clipboard has valid string, it will be pasted to the
edit control regardless the style that I have set for the control.  How
can I intercept it before it is actually displaced.  (Perhaps I disble the
paste capability for the edit control).

Rob Manderson -- robmanderson@unn.unisys.com
Thursday, December 12, 1996

[Mini-digest: 6 responses]

To get the contents of a single line edit control use GetWindowText.  Ie,

void CSomeClass::SomeFunc)
     CString contents;
     CParseEdit editControl;

     //   Do things


To:       mfc-l @ netcom.com
cc:        (bcc: Rob Manderson/APG/AU/Unisys)
From:     eng30391 @ leonis.nus.sg
Date:     09/12/96 14:36:07 ZE8
Subject:  Problems with OnChar for CEdit

 Environment: Windows 3.11, VC++ 1.52

 I am using an edit control which is subclassed with CParseEdit
which is derived CEdit class. It is able to filter out any character depending
on the style.  (CParseEdit is in the file

 Now, the problem is that CParseEdit's number style
(PES_NUMBER) does not accept decimal point.  So I modified it as follow

// paredit.cpp: C++ derived edit control for numbers/letters etc
#include "paredit.h"

 m_wParseStyle = 0;
 m_bDecimalFlag = 0; // No decimal point set yet.

void CParsedEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
 WORD type;
 if (nChar < 0x20)
  type = PES_ALL; // always allow control chars
 else if (nChar == '.')  // I added decimal point.
   type = PES_NUMBERS;
   m_bDecimalFlag = 1;
 else if (nChar >= '0' && nChar <= '9')
  type = PES_NUMBERS;
 else if (nChar >= 'A' && nChar <= 'Z') // hard coded to english
  type = PES_LETTERS;
 else if (nChar >= 'a' && nChar <= 'z')
  type = PES_LETTERS;

 if (m_wParseStyle & type)
  CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);  // permitted
  // illegal character - inform parent

 So it can accept decimal point and once it is entered, the class
does not accept it anymore.  However if the user use backspace or delete keys to
delete the decimal point, then it cannot accept the decimal again. So, I try to
get the string that has been typed so far for a particular edit control and scan
for decimal point whenever the user press backspace and delete.  I read
documentation for CEdit, it has a member function GetLine which only return the
string if the edit control is multiline.
So I cannot use this method.

 I have an idea in mind, I create a CString varaible inside
CParseEdit.  It will store the character that has been typed before tab
and enter keys.  I can then process them.  Is there a better way?

 Another problem is that, whenever the user used ctrl-V (paste)
command and if the clipboard has valid string, it will be pasted to the
edit control regardless the style that I have set for the control.  How
can I intercept it before it is actually displaced.  (Perhaps I disble the paste
capability for the edit control).

-----From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Klaus_G=FCtter?= 

1. To get the current text of an edit control, use CWnd::GetWindowText.

2. To check before pasting, you can intercept the WM_PASTE message. At
least on my system (NT 4.0) this message is also generated when the user
presses Ctrl+V or Shift-Ins. I'm not quite sure whether is is generated
on Win 3.11, too (can be easiliy verified using SPY). If not, you will
have to handle these events in WM_KEYDOWN.

3. You should really not hard-code the dot '.' as decimal separator.
Depending on the country settings, this character may vary (e.g. comma
',' in most european countries). You can get the decimal separator from
the [Int] section in WIN.INI.

- Klaus

>Von: 	Anonymous[SMTP:eng30391@leonis.nus.sg]
>Gesendet: 	Montag, 9. Dezember 1996 07:36
>An: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
>Betreff: 	Problems with OnChar for CEdit 
>	Environment: Windows 3.11, VC++ 1.52
>	I am using an edit control which is subclassed with CParseEdit
>which is derived CEdit class. It is able to filter out any character
>depending on the style.  (CParseEdit is in the file
>	mcvc\mfc\samples\ctrltest\paredit.cpp)
>	Now, the problem is that CParseEdit's number style
>(PES_NUMBER) does not accept decimal point.  So I modified it as follow
>// paredit.cpp: C++ derived edit control for numbers/letters etc
>#include "paredit.h"
>	m_wParseStyle = 0;
>	m_bDecimalFlag = 0; // No decimal point set yet.
>void CParsedEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
>	WORD type;
>	if (nChar < 0x20)
>		type = PES_ALL; // always allow control chars
>	else if (nChar == '.')	// I added decimal point.
>	{
>	 	if(!m_bDecimalFlag)
>		{
>			type = PES_NUMBERS;
>			m_bDecimalFlag = 1;
>		}
>		else
>			type = PES_OTHERCHARS;
>	}
>	else if (nChar >= '0' && nChar <= '9')
>		type = PES_NUMBERS;
>	else if (nChar >= 'A' && nChar <= 'Z') // hard coded to english
>		type = PES_LETTERS;
>	else if (nChar >= 'a' && nChar <= 'z')
>		type = PES_LETTERS;
>	else
>	if (m_wParseStyle & type)
>	{
>		CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);  // permitted
>	}
>	else
>	{
>		// illegal character - inform parent
>		OnBadInput();
>	}
>	So it can accept decimal point and once it is entered, the class
>does not accept it anymore.  However if the user use backspace or delete
>keys to delete the decimal point, then it cannot accept the decimal again.
>So, I try to get the string that has been typed so far for a particular
>edit control and scan for decimal point whenever the user press backspace 
>and delete.  I read documentation for CEdit, it has a member function
>GetLine which only return the string if the edit control is multiline.
>So I cannot use this method.
>	I have an idea in mind, I create a CString varaible inside
>CParseEdit.  It will store the character that has been typed before tab
>and enter keys.  I can then process them.  Is there a better way?
>	Another problem is that, whenever the user used ctrl-V (paste)
>command and if the clipboard has valid string, it will be pasted to the
>edit control regardless the style that I have set for the control.  How
>can I intercept it before it is actually displaced.  (Perhaps I disble the
>paste capability for the edit control).
-----From: "Doug Brubacher" 

     CEdit is a CWnd derived class, therefore simply use 
     CWnd::GetWindowText to get the current contents of the Edit control.
     Doug Brubacher

-----From: joew@statsoft.com (Joe Willcoxson)

>and delete.  I read documentation for CEdit, it has a member function
>GetLine which only return the string if the edit control is multiline.
>So I cannot use this method.

Ever heard of GetWindowText() ?
Gloria in excelsius Deo
Joe Willcoxson (joew@statsoft.com), Senior Software Engineer
Visit us: http://www.statsoft.com, Visit me: http://users.aol.com/chinajoe
#define STD_DISCLAIMER "I speak only for myself"
__cplusplus spoken here;

-----From: "Greg Tighe" 

Gentle (Anonymous) Reader:

> 	Environment: Windows 3.11, VC++ 1.52
> So, I try to get the string that has been typed so far for a particular
> edit control and scan for decimal point whenever the user press backspace 
> and delete.  I read documentation for CEdit, it has a member function
> GetLine which only return the string if the edit control is multiline.
> So I cannot use this method.

Since edit controls are windows, you can call the GetWindowText() 
method to get the current edit control string.  (Note that in your 
OnChar() method the returned string will *not* include the char you 
are currently handling unless you call the base class OnChar() method 

	-Greg Tighe
	Applied Intelligent Systems, Inc.
	Ann Arbor, MI
-----From: "Dmitry A. Dulepov" 

        [Mailer: "Groupware E-Mail". Version 1.02.048]

1. Backspace is a '\b' key (VK_BACK)
2. Paste can be made through WM_PASTE message, otherwise in OnChar =
look for 'v' (or 'V') for nChar and for "GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < =
0" to trap Control key (how about Shift+Ins ? -- too many ways to p=
3. Do not forget about VK_DELETE.

In both these cases use GetWindowText() for edit control and search=
 for the '.'. Use CString form of GetWindowText(), and CString::Fin=
d() to find the '.'.

Dmitry A. Dulepov
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Russian Research Center
Phone: +7 (095) 213-9207
Fax: +7 (095) 213-9196
E-mail: dima@src.samsung.ru

>        [From: Anonymous
>        [Address: eng30391@leonis.nus.sg
>        [To: Dmitry A. Dulepov
>        [Date: Sat Dec 14 08:00:34 1996
>    Environment: Windows 3.11, VC++ 1.52
>    I am using an edit control which is subclassed with CParseEdit=

>which is derived CEdit class. It is able to filter out any charact=
>depending on the style.  (CParseEdit is in the file
>    mcvc\mfc\samples\ctrltest\paredit.cpp)
>    Now, the problem is that CParseEdit's number style
>(PES_NUMBER) does not accept decimal point.  So I modified it as f=
>// paredit.cpp: C++ derived edit control for numbers/letters etc
>#include "paredit.h"
>    m_wParseStyle =3D 0;
>    m_bDecimalFlag =3D 0; // No decimal point set yet.
>void CParsedEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
>    WORD type;
>    if (nChar < 0x20)
>        type =3D PES_ALL; // always allow control chars
>    else if (nChar =3D=3D '.')    // I added decimal point.
>    {
>         if(!m_bDecimalFlag)
>        {
>            type =3D PES_NUMBERS;
>            m_bDecimalFlag =3D 1;
>        }
>        else
>            type =3D PES_OTHERCHARS;
>    }
>    else if (nChar >=3D '0' && nChar <=3D '9')
>        type =3D PES_NUMBERS;
>    else if (nChar >=3D 'A' && nChar <=3D 'Z') // hard coded to en=
>        type =3D PES_LETTERS;
>    else if (nChar >=3D 'a' && nChar <=3D 'z')
>        type =3D PES_LETTERS;
>    else
>        type =3D PES_OTHERCHARS;
>    if (m_wParseStyle & type)
>    {
>        CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);  // permitted
>    }
>    else
>    {
>        // illegal character - inform parent
>        OnBadInput();
>    }
>    So it can accept decimal point and once it is entered, the cla=
>does not accept it anymore.  However if the user use backspace or =
>keys to delete the decimal point, then it cannot accept the decima=
l again.
>So, I try to get the string that has been typed so far for a parti=
>edit control and scan for decimal point whenever the user press ba=
ckspace =

>and delete.  I read documentation for CEdit, it has a member funct=
>GetLine which only return the string if the edit control is multil=
>So I cannot use this method.
>    I have an idea in mind, I create a CString varaible inside
>CParseEdit.  It will store the character that has been typed befor=
e tab
>and enter keys.  I can then process them.  Is there a better way?
>    Another problem is that, whenever the user used ctrl-V (paste)=

>command and if the clipboard has valid string, it will be pasted t=
o the
>edit control regardless the style that I have set for the control.=
>can I intercept it before it is actually displaced.  (Perhaps I di=
sble the
>paste capability for the edit control).=

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