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Changing the paper orientaion from the OnPrint function

Shahram Pourmakhdomi -- d2pouss@seldon.dtek.chalmers.se
Thursday, November 14, 1996

Environment: VC++ 1.52 Windows 3.11

Hi folks!

I would like to change the paper orientation from OnPrint function of my
view class instead of letting the user choose Printer setup from the file
menu. I would like to know how this is possible. From what I've heard I
have to call the CDC::Escape function but I don't seem to be able to find
the right escape code (first parameter of Escape) for this purpose.
Please let me know if the information I've got is correct and in that case
what parameters I should use or if there are other ways of doin' this.

Thanx in advance

Sharam Pourmakhdomi

Gajendra Prasad Yadav -- gajendra@aditi.com
Saturday, November 16, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

To change the default printer settings in an MFC application, you must
retrieve the system default settings in a CWinApp derived object and
modify those defaults before a print job is invoked.
    Code snippet (taken from MSKB #Q126897):

void CMyWinApp::SetLandscape()
    // Get default printer settings.
    PRINTDLG   pd;
    pd.lStructSize = (DWORD) sizeof(PRINTDLG);
    if (GetPrinterDeviceDefaults(&pd))
        // Lock memory handle.
        DEVMODE FAR* pDevMode =
            (DEVMODE FAR*)::GlobalLock(m_hDevMode);
        LPDEVNAMES lpDevNames;
        LPTSTR lpszDriverName, lpszDeviceName, lpszPortName;
        HANDLE hPrinter;
        if (pDevMode)
            // Change printer settings in here.
            pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
           // Unlock memory handle.
       lpDevNames = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pd.hDevNames);
       lpszDriverName = (LPTSTR )lpDevNames + lpDevNames->wDriverOffset;
       lpszDeviceName = (LPTSTR )lpDevNames + lpDevNames->wDeviceOffset;
       lpszPortName   = (LPTSTR )lpDevNames + lpDevNames->wOutputOffset;
       ::OpenPrinter(lpszDeviceName, &hPrinter, NULL);
                           pDevMode, DM_IN_BUFFER|DM_OUT_BUFFER);
       // Sync the pDevMode.
       // See SDK help for DocumentProperties for more info.

Aditi Technologies.

>From: 	Shahram Pourmakhdomi[SMTP:d2pouss@seldon.dtek.chalmers.se]
>Sent: 	Thursday, November 14, 1996 4:59 PM
>To: 	mfc-mailninglist
>Subject: 	Changing the paper orientaion from the OnPrint function
>Environment: VC++ 1.52 Windows 3.11
>Hi folks!
>I would like to change the paper orientation from OnPrint function of my
>view class instead of letting the user choose Printer setup from the file
>menu. I would like to know how this is possible. From what I've heard I
>have to call the CDC::Escape function but I don't seem to be able to find
>the right escape code (first parameter of Escape) for this purpose.
>Please let me know if the information I've got is correct and in that case
>what parameters I should use or if there are other ways of doin' this.
>Thanx in advance
>Sharam Pourmakhdomi
-----From: CADD Design Solutions 

Environment: VC++ 1.52 Windows 3.11

I have the same problem, for which I THOUGHT I had found a solution.  The
paper orientation change must be done from within the OnPreparePrinting()
function.  I have included the following code in my OnPreparePrinting()

BOOL CVersesView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
   //the following 5 lines set orientation to landscape - the first get
   //memory for a PRINTDLG structure. The second fills the structure with
   //the printer defaults. 
   //PRINTDLG contains handle of DEVMODE structure - the ::GlobalLock
   //and Unlock are required by windows - GlobalLock returns a pointer to
   //the DEVMODE structure given its handle    
   LPDEVMODE lpDevmode = (LPDEVMODE)::GlobalLock(pPrintDlg->hDevMode);
      MessageBox("Memory allocation failure");
      return FALSE;
   //dmOrientation is a member of the DEVMODE structure
   lpDevmode->dmOrientation = PrintOrientation;

   //Clean up by freeing memory
      MessageBox("Failed to unlock memory object");
      return FALSE;
   delete pPrintDlg;
   //by-pass print dialog box during printing by setting m_bPreview to
   //TRUE, thus causing the framework to not display the print dialog
   if(!pInfo->m_bPreview) pInfo->m_bPreview = TRUE;

   return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo);

My problem, however, is that this function causes a memory leak that I have
yet to be able to figure out why.  The following message shows up in my
debugging window:
	Warning: CFormView does not support printing
	Detected memory leaks!
	Dumping objects ->
	{109} non-object block at $2EE77A52, 52 bytes long
	Object dump complete.

If I reduce the function to nothing but:
BOOL CVersesView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo)
   return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo);

all works just fine.  Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong??


Karl Edwall -- karl@hs.com.au
Monday, November 18, 1996

Shahram Pourmakhdomi wrote:
> Environment: VC++ 1.52 Windows 3.11
> Hi folks!
> I would like to change the paper orientation from OnPrint function of my
> view class instead of letting the user choose Printer setup from the file
> menu. I would like to know how this is possible. From what I've heard I
> have to call the CDC::Escape function but I don't seem to be able to find
> the right escape code (first parameter of Escape) for this purpose.
> Please let me know if the information I've got is correct and in that case
> what parameters I should use or if there are other ways of doin' this.
> Thanx in advance
> Sharam Pourmakhdomi

Try reading article PSS ID Number: Q126897.

In short in order to change the default printer settings in an MFC application,
you must retrieve the system default settings in a CWinApp derived object and modify those defaults before a print job is invoked.

Below is some code I wrote that does what you want but please read the KB article
mentioned above too for a more complete understanding of the subject.

// Set default orientation
void SetupPrinter(BOOL fLandscape)
	// Get default printer settings.
	CWinApp *app = AfxGetApp();
	pd.lStructSize = (DWORD) sizeof(PRINTDLG);
	if (app->GetPrinterDeviceDefaults(&pd))
		// Lock memory handle.
		DEVMODE FAR* pDevMode =	(DEVMODE FAR*)::GlobalLock(pd.hDevMode);
		if (pDevMode)
			// Change printer settings in here.
				pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
				pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT;
			pDevMode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE;
			// Unlock memory handle.
		app->SelectPrinter(pd.hDevNames, pd.hDevMode, TRUE);

Human Solutions Pty Ltd
Ph: (03) 62335536    Fax: (03) 62335535
Karl Edwall - karl@hs.com.au

Carol Tumey -- carol.tumey@mail.mei.com
Tuesday, November 19, 1996

At 12:29 PM 11/14/96 +0100, you wrote:
>Environment: VC++ 1.52 Windows 3.11
>Hi folks!
>I would like to change the paper orientation from OnPrint function of my
>view class instead of letting the user choose Printer setup from the file
>menu. I would like to know how this is possible. From what I've heard I
>have to call the CDC::Escape function but I don't seem to be able to find
>the right escape code (first parameter of Escape) for this purpose.
>Please let me know if the information I've got is correct and in that case
>what parameters I should use or if there are other ways of doin' this.

Its been a while since I've written this code, but try the following in
your OnPrepareDC:
    LPDEVMODE pDevMode = (LPDEVMODE) GlobalLock(pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.hDevMode) ;
    pDevMode->dmOrientation = (pageOrientation==R4B_ORIENT_LANDSCAPE)?2:1 ;
    pDC->ResetDC(pDevMode) ;

If this doesn't solve the problem let me know and I'll scope my sources 
with a bit more scrutiny.

This is space.  It's sometimes called the final frontier.
(Except that of course you can't have a *final* frontier, because
there'd be nothing for it to be a frontier *to*, but as frontiers 
go, it's pretty penultimate . . .)
                   Terry Pratchett 
                   _Moving Pictures_

Carol Tumey -- carol.tumey@mail.mei.com
Tuesday, November 19, 1996

At 12:29 PM 11/14/96 +0100, you wrote:
>Environment: VC++ 1.52 Windows 3.11
>Hi folks!
>I would like to change the paper orientation from OnPrint function of my
>view class instead of letting the user choose Printer setup from the file
>menu. I would like to know how this is possible. From what I've heard I
>have to call the CDC::Escape function but I don't seem to be able to find
>the right escape code (first parameter of Escape) for this purpose.
>Please let me know if the information I've got is correct and in that case
>what parameters I should use or if there are other ways of doin' this.

Its been a while since I've written this code, but try the following in
your OnPrepareDC:
    LPDEVMODE pDevMode = (LPDEVMODE) GlobalLock(pInfo->m_pPD->m_pd.hDevMode) ;
    pDevMode->dmOrientation = (pageOrientation==R4B_ORIENT_LANDSCAPE)?2:1 ;
    pDC->ResetDC(pDevMode) ;

If this doesn't solve the problem let me know and I'll scope my sources 
with a bit more scrutiny.

This is space.  It's sometimes called the final frontier.
(Except that of course you can't have a *final* frontier, because
there'd be nothing for it to be a frontier *to*, but as frontiers 
go, it's pretty penultimate . . .)
                   Terry Pratchett 
                   _Moving Pictures_

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