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STL vector versus CArray - CArray loses badly

Ken Nicolson -- kenn@owl.co.uk
Wednesday, November 13, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, Win 95

I've recommended to all our developers that we stop using CArrays and
replace them with the STL's vector class due to a fundamental design flaw
in the Microsoft class. Here's why:

I had to help out a colleague yesterday who was having a problem with the
CArray templated class. He had an array of objects, each of which had
pointers to other objects, which in turn had pointers back to these
objects. This is to implement a many-to-many relationship between two
classes. However, he had a problem of losing references after Add()ing a
second element to the CArray.

On investigation, I discovered that the CArray::SetSize() code for =
the array looks like this:

    TYPE* pNewData =3D (TYPE*) new BYTE[nNewMax * sizeof(TYPE)];

    // copy new data from old
    memcpy(pNewData, m_pData, m_nSize * sizeof(TYPE));

    // construct remaining elements
    ASSERT(nNewSize > m_nSize);
    ConstructElements(&pNewData[m_nSize], nNewSize-m_nSize);

    // get rid of old stuff (note: no destructors called)
    delete[] (BYTE*)m_pData;

So, existing objects are directly memcpy()ed, therefore any other objects
that have noted the object's address within the array are invalid, and =
no way of being informed. Have the designers never read the C++ FAQ? =
the key FAQ:


Q36: Why doesn't C++ have a "realloc()" along with "new" and "delete"?

To save you from disaster.

When realloc() has to copy the allocation, it uses a BITWISE copy
operation, which will tear most C++ objects to shreds.  C++ objects =
be allowed to copy themselves: they use their own copy constructor or
assignment operator.


Here's a trival bit of code to demonstrate the problem - it's a console
app, and it spews a memory dump at the end because there's something =
going on with including . You'll need to use the static link
libraries to get this to link correctly.

Note from the output how two things go wrong: the address stored in the
object is the address of the temporary object constructed within the =
loop, and the global counter increments twice for each object.

The STL version may call more constructors and destructors, but at least
its output is the expected result.

Note, overriding the ConstructElements() will not help, as the original
array is not passed in.


=3D=3D>> test.cpp


int next_id =3D 0;

class foo
  foo * a;
  int	id;

    cout << "foo()" << endl;
    a =3D this;
    id =3D next_id++;

  foo ( const foo & f )
    cout << "foo( foo& )" << endl;
    a =3D this;
    id =3D f.id;

    cout << "~foo()" << endl;

    vector < foo, allocator  > a;

    for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
      foo bar;
      a.push_back( bar );

    for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
      cout << a[i].id << '\t' << a[i].a << '\t'<< &a[i] << endl;

  cout << "=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D" << endl;

    CArray < foo , foo & > a;
    //	CArray < foo , foo > a; Wrong too!

    for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
      foo bar;
      a.Add( bar );

    for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
        cout << a[i].id << '\t' << a[i].a << '\t' << &a[i] << endl;

  return 0;
  ___        ,_,         ___      Ken Nicolson
 (o,o)      (o,o)    ,,,(o,o),,,
 {`"'}      {`"'}     ';:`-':;'   Work: kenn@owl.co.uk
 -"-"-      -"-"-       -"-"-           +44 131 555 6055
                                  Home: ken@ride.demon.co.uk
                                  Web:  http://www.ride.demon.co.uk

Manos D. Anastasiadis -- manos@ced.tuc.gr
Thursday, November 14, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

I personally dislike deign decisions that involve
arrays (or any other known ADT) of *objects*.
It is always better to let your ADT hold *pointers*
to objects, though you may say it's too 'C' style.
The latter always works, but you have to remember
clean-up. Futhermore, it *would* work with CArray.

Secondly, about the example code you've included,
it's a great example of how programs should NOT
be written. The 'foo' object SHOULD be DESTROYED
when it goes out of scope (the loop's block) and
it DOES.
A container class IS NOT SUPPOSED to create copies
of objects, as the code expects. The container
should keep the objects it is 'told' to. Of course,
the array in the example has no way of knowing
that the object it holds was destroyed...

>   for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
>   {
>     foo bar;
>     a.Add( bar );
>   }

So the 'poor' iostream is passed trash when you walk
through the array, and the program ends as it should

On the contrary, I think that (although I haven't
ever used STL because I hate C-style names :-) )
using that 'allocator' object forces the 'vector'
class to use *copies* of the 'foo' objects,
so it works as you wish...

IMHO: The decision on whether to use STL or MFC
depends on the design.
Your example, however, cannot be considered
a guiding issue.

 * Manos D. Anastasiadis            *
 * Computer Engineer                *
 * Technical University of Crete    *
 * Mu.S.I.C.                        *
 * manos@ced.tuc.gr                 *

-----From: Dave Krofssik 

I'm afraid STL vectors have (explicitly) the same problem, insering into
a vector invalidates all pointers or references to objects in the

Fortunately, STL does have containers that can do what you want (at the
expense of some overhead).  If you only need to insert and erase at the
beginning or end of the array, you could use a dequeue.  If you need to
do so at random positions, you could use a list.

    Dave Krofssik       |  Soft-tek International
    Lead Engineer       |  http://www.soft-tek.com
  davek@soft-tek.com    |   Phone: (316)838-7200
                        |   FAX:   (316)838-3789
-----From: "Samuel R. Blackburn" 

Why not use CPtrArray?

-----From: "Weeder, John" 

First, if you have a copy constructor, you should also have an
assignment operator.  

void CArray::SetAtGrow(int nIndex, ARG_TYPE newElement)
	ASSERT(nIndex >= 0);

	if (nIndex >= m_nSize)
		SetSize(nIndex+1, -1);
	m_pData[nIndex] = newElement; // <<<---- Need assignment operator

Second, using the STL doesn't necessarily fix the problem you describe.
Sure, the simple sample you provide allows the foo object to update
pointers to itself...but this method of updating will get ugly (or
>impossible) when implementing "a many-to-many relationship between two
classes." ---  in the simplist case, each time an object is
copy-constructed or assigned, it will need to locate every object which
refers to it and update that object/relationship. This means either a
search or maintaining pointers in both directions.

A better solution is to store pointers in your CArray/vector... not
objects. It's more efficient (generally) and it solves the problem.

    CArray < foo* , foo * > a;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
      a.Add(new foo);
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        cout << a[i]->id << '\t' << a[i]->a << '\t' << a[i] << endl;
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        delete a[i];

Roger Onslow/Newcastle/Computer Systems Australia/
Friday, November 15, 1996

[Mini-digest: 4 responses]

>I've recommended to all our developers that we stop using CArrays and
>replace them with the STL's vector class due to a fundamental design flaw
>in the Microsoft class. Here's why:

Seems a rather "radical" solution to a simple problem.  But I guess if you want 
to mix MFC with STL, then thats up to you, but (when I looked at STL last) 
there seemed to be some problems when you use both together (that had to be 
resolved with namespaces) - or has that changed with 4.2 implementation?

>I had to help out a colleague yesterday who was having a problem with the
>CArray templated class. He had an array of objects, each of which had
>pointers to other objects, which in turn had pointers back to these
>objects. This is to implement a many-to-many relationship between two
>classes. However, he had a problem of losing references after Add()ing a
>second element to the CArray.

Easy solution is to have an array of pointers to objects, rather than an array 
of objects themselves.  Then you can stay with the (familiar) MFC framework.

>On investigation, I discovered that the CArray::SetSize() code for growing
>the array looks like this:
>    TYPE* pNewData = (TYPE*) new BYTE[nNewMax * sizeof(TYPE)];
>    // copy new data from old
>    memcpy(pNewData, m_pData, m_nSize * sizeof(TYPE));
>    // construct remaining elements
>    ASSERT(nNewSize > m_nSize);
>    ConstructElements(&pNewData[m_nSize], nNewSize-m_nSize);
>    // get rid of old stuff (note: no destructors called)
>    delete[] (BYTE*)m_pData;
>So, existing objects are directly memcpy()ed, therefore any other objects
>that have noted the object's address within the array are invalid, and have
>no way of being informed. Have the designers never read the C++ FAQ? Here's
>the key FAQ:

Yeup -- a bit nasty that.  The alternative, I suppose, would be to copy from 
the old to new location and then delete from the old location.  So one would 
need to use a "CopyElements" helper followed by the "DestructElements" helper.  
To solve your colleague's problem, his objects would then need to do a deep 
copy in their assignment operator - that would end up very messy anyway.  I 
guess the reason why that was not done is that there would be lots of 
construction, assignment and destruction of objects going on when the array got 
resized, so they went for a faster method, which works OK in most simpler 
cases.  Of course, the behaviour of CArray when resizing should be well 
documented (I don't believe it is) - then its just caveat emptor when it comes 
to using CArray.

Anyway, as mentioned above, keeping a CArray of pointers (or a CPtrArray) would 
be the way around this without leaving the MFC fold.

BTW, how does STL handle dynamic arrays/vectors - what does it do when the 
locations of objects in the array/vector change??

-----From: kenn@owl.co.uk (Ken Nicolson)

On Wed, 13 Nov 1996 10:08:58 GMT, I wrote:

>Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, Win 95
>I've recommended to all our developers that we stop using CArrays and
>replace them with the STL's vector class due to a fundamental design =
>in the Microsoft class. Here's why:


I've had a number of follow-ups in private email, I've had a bug in my =
pointed out - no assignment operator - and I've come up with a good
solution that combines both CArray's serialisation (if needed) with the
STL's functionality, and optimal ctor/dtor handling.

However, all this still doesn't get round the fact that the CArray class
does not work as expected when compared to the STL.

=46irst, the missing assignment operator:

	foo &foo::operator=3D( const foo &f )
		cout << "=3D( foo&" << f.id << " )" << endl;
		a =3D this;
		id =3D f.id;

		return *this;

This makes the CArray solution work a bit better, but element 0 of the
array is still wrong.

Next, I had many recommendations to use pointers rather than the actual
objects in the CArray or vector. However, this loses the automatic memory
tidy-ups, so I decided to use the STL's auto_ptr class. Thus, the loop

    vector < auto_ptr < foo >, allocator < auto_ptr < foo > > > a;
... or ...
    CArray < auto_ptr < foo >, auto_ptr < foo > > a;

    for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
        a.push_back( new foo() );
... or ...
        a.Add( new foo() );

    for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
        cout << a[i]->id << '\t' << a[i]->a << '\t'<< a[i].get() << endl;

This works as desired, with the additional benefit of minimisation of
construction and deletion.

Big thanks to the guys who emailed me with various suggestions!


PS: Here's the fixed code, with the assignment operator added and the
auto_ptr solution:

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D>> test.cpp


int next_id =3D 0;

class foo
	foo * a;
	int	id;

	foo() {
		a =3D this;
		id =3D next_id++;
		cout << "foo(" << id << ")" << endl;

	foo ( const foo & f )
		cout << "foo( foo&" << f.id << ")" << endl;
		a =3D this;
		id =3D f.id;

	foo &foo::operator=3D( const foo &f )
		cout << "=3D( foo&" << f.id << " )" << endl;
		a =3D this;
		id =3D f.id;

		return *this;
		cout << "~foo(" << id << ")" << endl;

		vector < foo, allocator  > a;

		for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			a.push_back( foo() );

		for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			cout << a[i].id << '\t' << a[i].a << '\t'<< &a[i]
<< endl;

	cout << "=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D" << endl;

		CArray < foo , foo & > a;

		for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			a.Add( foo() );

		for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			cout << a[i].id << '\t' << a[i].a << '\t' << &a[i]
<< endl;

	cout << "=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D" << endl;

		foo a[4];

		for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			a[i] =3D foo();

		for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			cout << a[i].id << '\t' << a[i].a << '\t'<< &a[i]
<< endl;

	cout << "=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D" << endl;

		vector < auto_ptr < foo >, allocator < auto_ptr < foo > > >

		for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			a.push_back( new foo() );

		for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			cout << a[i]->id << '\t' << a[i]->a << '\t'<<
a[i].get() << endl;

	cout << "=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D" << endl;

		CArray < auto_ptr < foo >, auto_ptr < foo > > a;

		for ( int i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			a.Add( new foo() );

		for ( i =3D 0; i < 4; i++ )
			cout << a[i]->id << '\t' << a[i]->a << '\t'<<
a[i].get() << endl;

	return 0;

  ___        ,_,         ___      Ken Nicolson
 (o,o)      (o,o)    ,,,(o,o),,,  Work: kenn@owl.co.uk
 {`"'}      {`"'}     ';:`-':;'   http://www.owl.co.uk
 -"-"-      -"-"-       -"-"-           +44 131 555 6055
                                  Home: ken@ride.demon.co.uk
-----From: Dan Jerghiuta 

1. About the first problem, with CArray:

I think that the problem is not in CArray, but in the way it is used. 
In my help file (VC++ 4.0) CArray is described as "The CArray class 
supports arrays that are are similar to C arrays, but can dynamically 
shrink and grow as necessary." You should not expect anything more.

The way your colleague was using it violates the concept of encapsulation.
He makes assumptions on how the array works internally. Even if his program
would work, nobody can guarantee that it will still work in the next version
of MFC.

If he needs to keep pointers to his objects, the best way is to allocate 
the objects externally and store their addresses in the array. So use
CArray instead of CArray. If your colleague will
feel unconfortable with this approach, he may use smart pointers, but I 
think they would just complicate the problem.

BTW, when you find a bug in MFC (which is not the case here, you should not 
say "use STL instead", but "keep on using MFC, but keep in mind these bugs". 
It's a great advantage to use a library with known bugs than to use a new one. 
For sure no library is bug-free. 

It is true that MFC has both implementation errors
   (e.g. COleCurrency. It's not sistematically wrong, but makes wrong 
    calculations for a few values. At least in VC++4.0)
and design errors
   (e.g. CObArray has two methods with the same name, doing different things:
    void InsertAt( int nIndex, CObject* newElement, int nCount = 1 );
    void InsertAt( int nStartIndex, CObArray* pNewArray );
    So if you want to make an array of CObArrays, you have to call either
    myArrayOfArrays.InsertAt( nIndex, (CObject*)pMyNewObArray );
    myArrayOfArrays.InsertAt( nIndex, pMyNewObArray, 1 );
    which are both stupid, but if you simply call
    myArrayOfArrays.InsertAt( nIndex, pMyNewObArray );
    which is the usual way, you get the wrong method called)
but I think we should follow what the creators of MFC said:
   - if the module has user interface, *use* MFC
   - if the module has nothing to do with the user interface use STL, ATL
     or whatever you want.
2. About the second question, with the FAQ:

FAQ is not a bible, nor an ARM. It's just a collection of questions and answers
belonging to different persons that are not necessary gods in that field. FAQs
are useful, but you should not believe them blindly.

For example, the answer you included in your message simply says nothing. It 
explains why not to use the C runtime function realloc(), but does not say why
there is no C++ specific implementation.

I personally think that realloc() simply does not fit with C++. In C you deal
only with *memory*. In C++ you deal only with *objects* that do not shrink nor
grow. Even if we would like to use it with arrays (that are inherited from C 
unfortunately), the copy constructor and assignment operator wil not help. 
And "how should it be implemented" is the start of a probably infinite
so I stop here.

Dan Jerghiuta

-----From: "Weeder, John" 

>Manos D. Anastasiadis wrote:

>> Of course, the array in the example has no way of knowing
>> that the object it holds was destroyed...
>> >   for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
>> >   {
>> >     foo bar;
>> >     a.Add( bar );
>> >   }

Actually, the problem with this code is that class foo does not define
an assignment operator. If an assignment operator is defined, this code
is perfectly correct, except for the pointer reference problem.  Add()
eventually calls SetAtGrow() which assigns the object to another object
of the same type (before bar is destroyed).

>template void CArrayARG_TYPE>::SetAtGrow(int nIndex, ARG_TYPE newElement)
>	m_pData[nIndex] = newElement; // <<<---- Need assignment operator here

OTOH, MFC _does_ have a design flaw in that it does a byte by byte copy
instead of an element-by-element assignment when the array is resized in
the function SetSize().

In other words, the foo sample has TWO problems: 1) foo needs an
assignment operator, and 2) MFC should not do a byte-wise copy.

-- John

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