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Trapping the CTRL-TAB KEY for the CTabCtrl

Wednesday, November 06, 1996

     Environment: VC++4.0, Win95
     I am trying to override the Standard Tab control to make it behaves 
     like Property Sheet. I am now able to add dialog page, and switching 
     the page when the user click another tab item. Everything seems work 
     fine except I have problem to trap the "Control - Tab" key to tab 
     throught the Tab items. 
     I look for the WM_CHAR, WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_KEYDOWN handler but it 
     van. Finally, I resort to PreTranslateMessage message handler but I 
     don't know how to detect the "Control - Tab" key.
     Any idea?? Thanks in advance.
     Wallace, PEI, HACTL

Charlie Jursch -- cjursch@pacbell.net
Thursday, November 07, 1996

At 10:24 AM 11/6/96 +0800, you wrote:
>     Environment: VC++4.0, Win95
>     I am trying to override the Standard Tab control to make it behaves 
>     like Property Sheet. I am now able to add dialog page, and switching 
>     the page when the user click another tab item. Everything seems work 
>     fine except I have problem to trap the "Control - Tab" key to tab 
>     throught the Tab items. 
>     I look for the WM_CHAR, WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_KEYDOWN handler but it 
>     van. Finally, I resort to PreTranslateMessage message handler but I 
>     don't know how to detect the "Control - Tab" key.
>     Any idea?? Thanks in advance.
>     Wallace, PEI, HACTL
In PreTranslateMessage use the following:

if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)
	switch (pMsg->wParam)
		case VK_TAB:
			if (::GetKeyState (VK_CONTROL) < 0)
				do your stuff here
[Moderator's note: I'm not sure I would trust GetKeyState in
this case.  It is possible for the control key to change state
between when the message is sent and when it is handled.  Does
anyone know if it is possible to get this same info from
the message?  If not, at least you can have PreTranslateMessage
also track the control key messages.]
Charlie Jursch              "Be kind to your web-footed
Patotech Software, Inc.      friends for a duck may be
1-800-PATOTECH               somebody's mother."
mailto: cjursch@pacbell.net    

Martin J. Mahoney -- mjm@PyramidLogicSystems.com
Friday, November 08, 1996

> [Moderator's note: I'm not sure I would trust GetKeyState in
> this case.  It is possible for the control key to change state
> between when the message is sent and when it is handled.  Does
> anyone know if it is possible to get this same info from
> the message?  If not, at least you can have PreTranslateMessage
> also track the control key messages.]

According to Microsoft's documentation, GetKeyState returns the state of
the virtual at the time the message was generated and GetAsyncKeyState at
the time the message is handled.

Look in VC++ book online at Under

    Win32 Programmer's Reference
            Window Management
                Keyboard Input
                    About Keyboard Input
                        Key Status.

Martin J. Mahoney

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