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Srikant V -- SrikantV@wintegrity.com
Wednesday, October 30, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, NT4.0

My application has several MDI children and each of them have a
different toolbar.
To achive the switching of the tool bar as the user switches between the
i use OnActivateView of the form view where the toolbar switching code
is added
But when all the views are closed i need to switch the toolbar to that
of the mainframe wnd, i try adding the toolbar switching code to
CMainFrame::OnActivate it does not seem to work, Is this the right place
to capture the fact that all the views have been closed and it is only
the mainframe wnd that is in existance.


Hugh Robinson -- hugh@ssihou.ssii.com
Thursday, October 31, 1996

[Mini-digest: 5 responses]

Have you tried OnActivateFrame()?
Just a guess...

From:  owner-mfc-l
Sent:  Wednesday, October 30, 1996 1:02 PM
To:  'mfc-l@netcom.com'
Subject:  CMainFrame::OnActivate

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, NT4.0

My application has several MDI children and each of them have a
different toolbar.
To achive the switching of the tool bar as the user switches between the
i use OnActivateView of the form view where the toolbar switching code
is added
But when all the views are closed i need to switch the toolbar to that
of the mainframe wnd, i try adding the toolbar switching code to
CMainFrame::OnActivate it does not seem to work, Is this the right place
to capture the fact that all the views have been closed and it is only
the mainframe wnd that is in existance.


-----From: "Doug Brubacher" 

     No this is not the correct spot.  CMainFrame::OnActivate is sent when 
     the application is activated or deactivate or when modal dialogs are 
     displayed then closed.
     Actually you can detect this condition right in your OnActivateView.  
     To see how this works stick the following in your OnActivateView:
     void CYourView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, 
     CView* pDeactiveView) 
        TRACE3( "CYourView::OnActivateView Activate %i, Active View %i, 
     Deactive View %i\n", bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView );
        CView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView);
     when the last view is being closed the pActiveView is NULL as you can 
     see from these trace results.
     CYourView::OnActivateView Activate 0, Active View 0, Deactive View 
     Doug Brubacher

-----From: "Jeff S. Shanholtz" 

Looks like what you need to do since you've got an mdi app is use the
OnMDIActivate member function of the CMDIChildWnd class. In case you're not
familiar with OnMDIActivate, it gets called for both the window being
deactivated and the window being activated, so when it gets called for a
deactivating window, you can check to see if that is the last window and
that it is being closed. If so, you can switch your toolbar to the
mainframe one.

Jeff Shanholtz
Enertech Consultants
-----From: "Dan Kirby" 

You can do something like what MFC does for menus and handle the switching
of the toolbars in the OnMDIActivate handler.  See the code for
CMDIChildwnd::OnMDIActivate() to get an idea of how menus are switched.


-----From: Dong Chen 

There might be a better way to do it. But you can use this old fashion method:
posting a user defined message.
Add a pointer for each of your views as public member variables in your
mainframe class. When you close a view, set the pointer for this view to
NULL and post the message. You can get the view's pointer by doing something
like AfxGetApp()->m_m_pMainWnd->m_pViewA.  In the message handler in
mainframe, check to see if all pointers are NULLs. If so, display the
mainframe toolbar. Make sure you initialize the pointers as NULL if you
start the mainframe without any views, which can be done in your apps
InitInstance function after you have your mainframe window set.

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