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Modeless Property Sheet (resizing)

Karen Fura -- kfura@pop.seanet.com
Tuesday, October 29, 1996

>From: Karen Fura 
>> "jben"  wrote:
>> >Just create your property sheet and property page classes like you would
>> >you were going to pop up a modal property sheet.  Then, create the
>> >sheet as a child window of whatever window you want (i.e. the view you
>> >to appear as a property sheet).  The code would look something like this
>> >your view's WM_CREATE handler (OnCreate()).
>> Environment: Visual C++ 4.1, Win 95
>> The above worked fine for me, thanks for such a clear explanation!  I now
>> want to be able to resize my View - Property Sheet - Property
>> Pages and so added the following function to the view:
>> // resizes the transcript property sheet when this view resizes
>> void CTranscriptView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
>> {
>> CRect rect;
>>     CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
>>     GetClientRect ( rect );
>>     m_pTranscriptSht->SetWindowPos ( 
>>                                            &wndTop, 0, 0,   
>>                                            rect.right - rect.left,
>> 		           rect.bottom - rect.top, 
>>                                            SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
>> }
>> This sizes the sheet to the view but does not take care of sizing the
>> pages to the sheet.  My attempts at adding an OnSize() member 
>> function to the sheet failed ( the tabs disappear altogether ).
>> How would I go about doing this?  The only control I have on each
>> of my pages is a multiline edit control.
>Sorry I couldn't get back to you right away.  I have never done what you're
>asking, and don't really have time to try it out this week, but here's what
>you'll need to do.
>The property pages won't automatically resize themselves.  You will have to
>add a message handler in your property sheet class that handles one of the
>sizing messages.  I always use WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED just because WM_SIZE
>doesn't get called when the window first comes up.  One of the parameters
>into any of the size/position message handlers is the new position.  You'll
>have to size each of your pages to this size.  Your code will have to check
>if the page is loaded or not before sizing it too.  It might be easier to
>load all the pages before giving the user control.  You can do this by
>calling SetActivePage() for each page and then SetActivePage(0) to go to
>the first page.
>Here's an example of sizing the pages:
>for( int i=0; i	if( GetPage(i)->m_hWnd ) {
>		GetPage(i)->SetWindowPos(coordinates relative to property sheet's client
>	}
>And, yes there's more, you're going to end up adding handlers in the
>property pages that will resize the multi-line edit control to fit the
>page.  I think your best bet is to make sure all the pages are loading
>before you size them so you don't have to add code to each page to get it
>to size itself to the property sheet when it is loaded.  Good luck!

I am having a difficult time figuring out how to do this.  I added a 
handler to my property sheet for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, and handlers for
WM_SIZE to each of my pages.  After resizing, the property page is a
mess ( I know that isn't very specific but don't know how else to 
put it ).  Another problem is the OnSize() handler for 
the page is called before the page is fully created.  Can anyone give
me an example of this?  I would think that this is hardly the most
difficult thing to do!  Here is my code:

// Property sheet
void CTranscript::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) 
	for( int i = 0; i < GetPageCount(); i++ ) {
		SetActivePage ( i );
		if( GetPage( i )->m_hWnd ) {
		    GetActivePage( )->SetWindowPos( &wndTop,  
                                                    lpwndpos->flags );

	SetActivePage ( 0 );

// resize the one and only control on the page-a multiline
// edit control.  It needs to take up most of the room
// on the page.
void CLinkPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
	CPropertyPage::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
	CTranscript* psht = ( CTranscript* ) GetParent ();
	if ( !psht->m_sheetCreated )

	CEdit* pEd = ( CEdit* ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_LINK_TRANS_EDIT );

	pEd->SetWindowPos( &wndTop, 
				cx - 20,
				cy - 20,

Thanks for any help.

Karen T. Fura
Levetate Design Systems
Seattle, WA

Thursday, October 31, 1996

Environment: Visual C++ 4.1, Win 95

> I am having a difficult time figuring out how to do this.  I added a
> handler to my property sheet for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, and handlers for
> WM_SIZE to each of my pages.  After resizing, the property page is a
> mess ( I know that isn't very specific but don't know how else to
> put it ).  Another problem is the OnSize() handler for
> the page is called before the page is fully created.  Can anyone give
> me an example of this?  I would think that this is hardly the most
> difficult thing to do!  Here is my code:
>   .
>   .
>   .
> Thanks for any help.

    Check out MSKB article Q143291: "How to Resize CPropertyPages at Run
Time"... Basically, you  need to resize the Property  Sheet, Tab Control
and the Property  Pages in your OnInitDialog() override,  and resize the
pages when  you receive TCN_SELCHANGE  notifications and when  the Apply
button is pressed...

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