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Protected text in a rich edit control

Kenneth L Brown -- browkl@inel.gov
Tuesday, October 29, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, Win 95, NT 4.0

Has anyone used text protection with a CRichEditCtrl?  I have set this
up several ways per the documentation and can't seem to get a response
to the EN_PROTECTED message.  The documentation says to enable the
message with SetEventMask and handle the WM_NOTIFY message.  I did these
things but the notify does not happen when I modify the protected text. 
I have verified that the text is protected.

I have done a reasonable search through MSDN, MFC-L and other FAQ's but
could have missed something so if this has been discussed before I
apologize and ask only for direction to the appropriate article.

Kenneth Brown

Friday, November 01, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

     This is the code I use in the CRichEditView derived class, to use 
     protected text:
     This turns protected text on.
        m_charformat.dwEffects ^= CFE_PROTECTED;
        m_charformat.dwMask |= CFM_PROTECTED;
     This is in the message map.
     This to respond to the messages.
     void CDCRedView::OnProtected(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
        // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
     Justin Mitchell

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Protected text in a rich edit control
Author:  browkl@inel.gov (Kenneth L Brown) at Internet
Date:    10/29/96 8:48 AM

Environment: VC++ 4.2-flat, Win 95, NT 4.0
Has anyone used text protection with a CRichEditCtrl?  I have set this 
up several ways per the documentation and can't seem to get a response 
to the EN_PROTECTED message.  The documentation says to enable the 
message with SetEventMask and handle the WM_NOTIFY message.  I did these 
things but the notify does not happen when I modify the protected text. 
I have verified that the text is protected.
I have done a reasonable search through MSDN, MFC-L and other FAQ's but 
could have missed something so if this has been discussed before I 
apologize and ask only for direction to the appropriate article.
Kenneth Brown

-----From: rkumar@mail.cswl.com

     I did the following in oninitialupdate   handler of my richeditview 
     derived class and i get the en_protected notification
        //      Enable protect notification
        long eventmask = GetRichEditCtrl().GetEventMask();

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