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How to get edit control of combo in Win95

Wednesday, October 16, 1996

     Environment: Win95, Visual C++ 4.1 

     I used to know how to get the edit control portion of a combo box very 
     easily:  ChildWindowFromPoint( cbCombo, CPoint( 1, 1 ) ).  This 
     apparantly does not work in Win95!  I get the handle to the combo box 
     itself.  This always seemed like a hokey method to me, relying on a 
     hard-coded physical position like that, but it was documented by MS, 
     and I don't know of another way.  How can I do this very simple thing 
     under Win95??
     -Paul Folbrecht,
     Compuware Corp.

Alex Sevugan -- asevugan@csci.csc.com
Thursday, October 17, 1996

[Mini-digest: 6 responses]

Try GetWindow(GW_CHILD) as Edit Window is the first 
child of a Combo Box and I know this works in Win 

Paul.B.Folbrecht@JCI.Com wrote:
>      Environment: Win95, Visual C++ 4.1
>      I used to know how to get the edit control portion of a combo box very
>      easily:  ChildWindowFromPoint( cbCombo, CPoint( 1, 1 ) ).  This
>      apparantly does not work in Win95!  I get the handle to the combo box
>      itself.  This always seemed like a hokey method to me, relying on a
>      hard-coded physical position like that, but it was documented by MS,
>      and I don't know of another way.  How can I do this very simple thing
>      under Win95??
>      -Paul Folbrecht,
>      Compuware Corp.


 Alaks Sevugan           CSC CIS        
 Technical Consultant    115 North Neil Street
 (217) 351-8250 (2161)   Champaign, Illinois 
 asevugan@csci.csc.com   61820 	   	  
-----From: Sumit Chawla 

 Hello Paul,
 Use CWnd member function GetWindow(GW_CHID). The CWnd here is your
 combobox. This relies on the fact that the edit control is the
 first child window of the combobox.

-Sumit Chawla
Computer Sciences Corporation
-----From: Michael Schneider 

Hi Paul

in Win95 the border of the combo box is some pixels wider so try
CPoint(3,3). I know, that's still the same "hokey method", but it works


Michael Schneider

Pirckheimer Weg 13
91058 Erlangen
  Tel.: ++49 9131 771539
E-Mail: Mike.Schneider@fim.uni-erlangen.de
   WWW: http://home.t-online.de/home/09131771539-0001
-----From: groftde@ebs.ac.com (Derek F. Groft - UTL)

I had the same problem switching from NT3.51 to NT4.0.  This works on 4.0
so hopefully it will work on Win95, but I have never tested it there.

	HWND h = .GetDlgItem(1001)->m_hWnd;

This may be no more reliable than your old solution in terms of working in
the next release of the OS or VC++, but it works for now.  

-----From: kitk@mudshark.sunquest.com (Kit Kauffmann)

i do this (in 3.1) by looking for a WM_CTLCOLOR msg with the ID of the combo 
and CTL_COLOREDIT as nCtlType - obviously the messages for coloring have 
changed in Win32, but a similar trick should work


-----From: ktm@ormec.com

I've never seen that documentation, unless you mean the "subclassing a combo 
box" example in the Win32 SDK documentation. I did a quick search, and 
found three ways to do it:

A little experimentation shows that using a CPoint of (3,3) works on Windows 95.
That point can be (I think) derived from 
  int yvalue = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)+     // 3-d combo box border (==2)
               GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER)    // edge of edit box     (==1)
Note that on NT 3.51, (and Windows 3.x) SM_CYEDGE isn't used, and the edit box 
part of the combo box doesn't have a border, which is why (1,1) used to work.

A better way to do it is to get the child window of the combo box.
Here's an example, taken from KB article 128110.
  //This code obtains the handle to the edit control of the combobox.
  // hWnd is the handle of the combo box 
  HWND hEdit, hList;    
  hEdit = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_CHILD);
  GetClassName (hEdit, wndClassName, 10);
  if (!lstrcmp (wndClassName, "Edit"))
     hList=GetWindow(hEdit, GW_HWNDNEXT);
  else {
    hEdit=GetWindow(hList, GW_HWNDNEXT);
Other examples (e.g. KB article 142481 and some messages from the MFC-L 
archive), assume that the edit box is always the first child window of the combo
box and just use hEdit = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_CHILD) without additional checks,
so it's not clear exactly what's going on with the calls to 

The MFC FAQ at http://www.stingsoft.com/mfc_faq/ states (item 6.2.11)
     Look into the mfc sample - npp - npview.cpp! Turns out all combo's create 
     their edits with an ID of 1001 (decimal) so - if pComboBox is the pWnd 
     object pointing to the combo - all you need is: 

Katy Mulvey                            ktm@ormec.com
Software Development Engineer
ORMEC Systems                          http://www.ormec.com
19 Linden Park; Rochester, NY 14625

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