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CListctrl & ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle gone!

Wednesday, October 16, 1996

     Environment: MSVC 4.2b, Windows 95
     For your info;-
     I was using CListCtrl and setting the extended style,
     it used to work fine under 4.2 until I installed the VC42b patch!
     It was defined in COMMCTRL.H but is no more.
     // This highlighted an entire row when selected
     DWORD ExStyle = ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle( ctlList.m_hWnd );
     ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle( ctlList.m_hWnd, ExStyle );
     Best regards, Chris Byrneham.

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@nwlink.com
Friday, October 18, 1996

At 15:05 10/16/96 +0100, CBYRNEHAM@derwent.co.uk wrote:
>     Environment: MSVC 4.2b, Windows 95

>     I was using CListCtrl and setting the extended style,
>     it used to work fine under 4.2 until I installed the VC42b patch!
>     It was defined in COMMCTRL.H but is no more.

This is expected: the beta version of the SDK shipped in the 4.2 box had
prototypes for the beta common controls. The controls didn't ship, so were
removed from the product and the headers.

.B ekiM

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