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A Seperate frame, and a view in it.

Monday, October 07, 1996

     Environment: VC++ 4.0, NT 4.0, WIn95
     I am doing the following.  I have an app.  This App creates a seperate 
     frame window.  I am trying to put a CView into this frame.  I DONOT 
     want a DOCUMENT, just a frame with a view.  How do I do this.
     I tried to, in my frame, in OnCreateClient, in pContext, do this
     It does not work.  It always crashes.
     Any ideas on how to do this.  
     Thank you for your time.

Sumit Chawla -- schawla@csci.csc.com
Monday, October 07, 1996

[Mini-digest: 5 responses]

Environment: VC++ 4.0, NT 4.0, WIn95
>      Hello,
>      I am doing the following.  I have an app.  This App creates a seperate 
>      frame window.  I am trying to put a CView into this frame.  I DONOT 
>      want a DOCUMENT, just a frame with a view.  How do I do this.
>      I tried to, in my frame, in OnCreateClient, in pContext, do this
>         pContext->m_pNewViewClass=RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView);
>      It does not work.  It always crashes.
>      Any ideas on how to do this.  
>      Thank you for your time.
>      Wayne
I had the same problem. I got around it by using a CCreateContext
object on the stack. Like this:

MyFrameWindow::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext*pContext)
	CCreateContext context;
	context.m_pCurrentFrame = 0;
	context.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(MyView);

	return CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs,&context);

-----From: Steve Mark 

Hi Wayne,

You can use the doc-template architecture to create a view without a
document, as follows:

CMultiDocTemplate mdt(IDR_APPTYPE, NULL, RUNTIME_CLASS(NChildFrame),

CFrameWnd* pfrm = mdt.CreateNewFrame(NULL, NULL);
mdt.InitialUpdateFrame(pfrm, NULL, TRUE);


-----From: Roger Onslow/Newcastle/Computer Systems Australia/AU

Just curious -- what is the problem with a document?  Many MFC samples have a 
bare minimum (default) document class an all the real work in the app.  It 
seems that the overheads involved in getting the app to work without a document 
are a darn sight more than just letting it a simple bare document class.

In any case, perhaps you are confusing a document with an external file.

A "document" in doc/view architecture is simply the place where you keep the 
data, and the "view" the place where you display/interact with it.  The only 
reason why you would have view without a document would be when there is no 
data -- so what would your view show?  Even in that case, you can have a 
document with no data in it so the model still works.

So what I'm saying is, rather than going out of your way to work around the 
doc/view architecture, why not work with it and make use of all the benefits 
that MFC gives you (like apps that don't crash :-)

Roger Onslow
As far as I know, you don't. Documents and views are intimately
connected. Either have a dummy document or create a frame window with
a plain CWnd in it. Just create it in OnCreateClient, ignoring the pContext.

-----From: Simon Salter 

What I do is to have the view as a child of the frame. So in 
OnCreate() of the frame I put (error handling omitted)

m_pView = new CMyView;
Crect crInit(0,0,0,0);
m_ pView ->Create(NULL,_T(""),dwWndStyle,crInit,this,nID,NULL);

Then you'll need some house keeping, in particular in the frames 
OnSize() you will probably want to size your view and so on.


Wednesday, October 09, 1996

Use a DocTemplate with a NULL pointer to a document runtime class.
This has been covered in much detail recently.  Look in the list archives for 
more specifics.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: A Seperate frame, and a view in it.
Author:  INTERNET:wayne.dengel@octel.com at CSERVE
Date:    10/7/96 3:11 PM

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Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 08:41:30 -0700 
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