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MFC Multithreaded OLE controls

Tuesday, October 01, 1996

Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
     Environment: VC++ 4.2, NT 3.51
     I'm in the process of using MFC to create an OLE control.  The control 
     starts a thread that does some DB access work and then, when the 
     thread finishes, I want it to fire an event back up to the container.  
     According to Adam Denning's "OLE Controls Inside Out," I need to be 
     firing the event from the main control thread and not the worker 
     thread.  With that knowledge, I decided that I would have the worker 
     thread post a message back to the main thread and have the event fired 
     in the course of handling the message.  This is where I'm having the 
     problem.  I'm either posting the message inproperly or I'm not 
     handling it correctly upon receipt.  Here's a stripped down version of 
     my code.  Any help available would be greatly appreciated.
     //////////////////////////// test.h //////////////////////////////
     class CTestCtrl : public COleControl
     // Message maps
        afx_msg void OnTest();
     // Dispatch maps
        afx_msg BOOL ExecuteThread();
     // Event maps
        void FireQueryComplete()
        static UINT QueryThread(LPVOID lpr);
     // Dispatch and event IDs
        enum {
        dispidExecute = 4L,
        eventidQueryComplete = 1L,
     //////////////////////////// test.c //////////////////////////////
     // Message map
     BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTestCtrl, COleControl)
        ON_COMMAND(IDS_TEST, OnTest)
     // Dispatch map
     BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CTestCtrl, COleControl)
        DISP_FUNCTION(CTestCtrl, "Execute", Execute, VT_BOOL, VTS_NONE)
     // Event map
     BEGIN_EVENT_MAP(CTestCtrl, COleControl)
        EVENT_CUSTOM("QueryComplete", FireQueryComplete, VTS_NONE)
     BOOL CTestCtrl::Execute() 
        HANDLE hThread;
        idThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
        hThread = AfxBeginThread(QueryThread, this);
        return TRUE;
     UINT CTestCtrl::QueryThread(LPVOID lpr)
        CTestCtrl *ctrl = (CTestCtrl*)lpr;
        /* Do thread stuff here */
        PostThreadMessage(ctrl->idThread, IDS_TEST, 0, 0);
        return 0;
     void CTestCtrl::OnTest() 
     Brian De Hamer

Noel Burton-Krahn -- noel@harleystreet.com
Thursday, October 03, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

First:  Your PostThreadMessage and ON_COMMAND are wrong.  see
  	PSS ID Number: Q142415
in the knowledge base.  Make a WM_USER message and trap it in your app's 

Second: I have noticed problems with thread messages myself.  see "Lost 
thread messages" posted to this list.  I haven't been able to confirm this, 
but I believe that thread messages are often thrown away by 
DispatchMessage().  Here's the scenario:

1) you post a thread message
2) the destination thread puts up a dialog, or some other gizmo that has 
its own   message loop (like CRectTracker)
3) The gizmo calls GetMessage() and gets your thread message
4) The gizmo doesn't know what to do with your message, so it calls 
DispatchMessage() with your thread message
5) The problem now is that a thread message is not associated with a 
window, so where could DispatchMessge send it?  I suspect that it gets sent 
to the void, never to be seen again.

Mind you, I still have to get confirmation on this.  What I know, though is 
that I lost Thread messages, but as soon as I sent messages to another 
_window_ they always arrived.

So, I suggest you try:
1) posting messages to one of you main thread's windows
2) using MsgWaitForMultipleEvents()


Sent: 	Tuesday, October 01, 1996 1:55 PM
To: 	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject: 	MFC Multithreaded OLE controls

Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
     Environment: VC++ 4.2, NT 3.51

     I'm in the process of using MFC to create an OLE control.  The control 
     starts a thread that does some DB access work and then, when the
     thread finishes, I want it to fire an event back up to the container. 
     According to Adam Denning's "OLE Controls Inside Out," I need to be
     firing the event from the main control thread and not the worker
     thread.  With that knowledge, I decided that I would have the worker
     thread post a message back to the main thread and have the event fired 
     in the course of handling the message.  This is where I'm having the
     problem.  I'm either posting the message inproperly or I'm not
     handling it correctly upon receipt.  Here's a stripped down version of 
     my code.  Any help available would be greatly appreciated.

     //////////////////////////// test.h //////////////////////////////
     class CTestCtrl : public COleControl

     // Message maps

        afx_msg void OnTest();


     // Dispatch maps

        afx_msg BOOL ExecuteThread();


     // Event maps

        void FireQueryComplete()


        static UINT QueryThread(LPVOID lpr);

     // Dispatch and event IDs
        enum {
        dispidExecute = 4L,
        eventidQueryComplete = 1L,


     //////////////////////////// test.c //////////////////////////////

     // Message map

     BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTestCtrl, COleControl)
        ON_COMMAND(IDS_TEST, OnTest)

     // Dispatch map

     BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CTestCtrl, COleControl)
        DISP_FUNCTION(CTestCtrl, "Execute", Execute, VT_BOOL, VTS_NONE)

     // Event map

     BEGIN_EVENT_MAP(CTestCtrl, COleControl)
        EVENT_CUSTOM("QueryComplete", FireQueryComplete, VTS_NONE)

     BOOL CTestCtrl::Execute()
        HANDLE hThread;

        idThread = GetCurrentThreadId();

        hThread = AfxBeginThread(QueryThread, this);

        return TRUE;

     UINT CTestCtrl::QueryThread(LPVOID lpr)
        CTestCtrl *ctrl = (CTestCtrl*)lpr;

        /* Do thread stuff here */

        PostThreadMessage(ctrl->idThread, IDS_TEST, 0, 0);
        return 0;


     void CTestCtrl::OnTest()


     Brian De Hamer

-----From: "Luke Stephens" 

I believe you need to do the following:
PostThreadMessage(ctrl->idThread, WM_COMMAND,IDS_TEST, 0);

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