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Problem using CTreeView and my CTreeCtrl derivative

Milind Changire -- mrc@corus.com
Monday, September 23, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.0, WinNT 3.51

Hello People!

I have implemented class CTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrl
for handling the MULTIPLE SELECTION and retrieving the selected items.

I have also implemented class CDirTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrlEx
to add the necessary DIR and FILE items.

I wrote a test application in which I developed these classes. The test 
involved a DIALOG box on which the tree control was placed. Every thing 
works perfectly fine here.

The problem is, now I want to use this (CDirTreeCtrlEx) control in a View.
I also want a splitter in the dialog in the following manner:

		|		  |		     |
		|		  |                  |
		|                 |                  |
		|     Tree View   |    List View     |
		|                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
		Vertical Splitter between TreeView and ListView



rwagner -- rwagner@genre.com
Tuesday, September 24, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]


In your mainFrame class (I'm using SDI, but I don't see why this should not 
work in a dialog), override OnCreateClient as follows.

CSplitterWnd wndSplitter1 and wndSplitter2 are protected members of
mySDIFrame class.  The .h files where your views are defined must be
#included before this point as well.

BOOL mySDIFrame::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs,
 CCreateContext* pContext)
    wndSplitter1.CreateStatic( this, 2, 1 );  // 2 rows, one column.

    // add the second splitter pane - nested splitter with 2 columns:
    wndSplitter2.CreateStatic( &wndSplitter1, 1, 2,
  wndSplitter1.IdFromRowCol(0, 0) );
    // add the first splitter pane - a tree view in column 0
    wndSplitter2.CreateView( 0, 0, pContext->m_pNewViewClass,
        CSize(0, 0),  pContext );               

    // add the second splitter pane - a list view in column 1
    wndSplitter2.CreateView( 0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(IFListView), 
        CSize(0, 0), pContext );
    wndSplitter2.SetColumnInfo( 0, 300, 50 ); //int col, int cxIdeal, int cyMin

   // add the third splitter pane - 'news' view in column 0
    wndSplitter1.CreateView( 1, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(IFNewsView), 
        CSize(0, 0), pContext );
    // trial and error:
    wndSplitter1.SetRowInfo( 0, 400, 0 ); //int row, int cyIdeal, int cyMin
    wndSplitter1.SetRowInfo( 1,  10, 5 );

    // you may or may not elect to use the following line, try first WITHOUT:
    // SetActiveView( (CView*)wndSplitter2.GetPane(0,1) );

    return TRUE;

I cut this from working code.  Alter to produce as many or as few views as you 
want, this is the basic idea.

Cheers, Rob

You wrote:
I have implemented class CTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrl
for handling the MULTIPLE SELECTION and retrieving the selected items.

I have also implemented class CDirTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrlEx
to add the necessary DIR and FILE items.

I wrote a test application in which I developed these classes. The test 
involved a DIALOG box on which the tree control was placed. Every thing 
works perfectly fine here.

The problem is, now I want to use this (CDirTreeCtrlEx) control in a View.
I also want a splitter in the dialog in the following manner:

  |    |       |
  |    |                  |
  |                 |                  |
  |     Tree View   |    List View     |
  |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
  Vertical Splitter between TreeView and ListView



-----From: Milind Changire 

Environment: VC++ 4.0, WinNT 3.51

Hello People!

Thanks for your reply Wagner!
But this was functional even before I posted here.

	CMyTreeView is the main view of the SDI application. Instead of 
	deriving out of CView, I have directly used CTreeView.
I have pasted my code below:

BOOL CMyTreeView::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, 
	DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, 
	CCreateContext* pContext) 
	// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
	m_pTempTree = new CDirTreeCtrlEx();
	m_pTempTree->Create(dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID);
	CWnd::m_hWnd = m_pTempTree->GetSafeHwnd();

	SetWindowLong(CWnd::m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE,
		GetWindowLong(CWnd::m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) | TVS_HASLINES | 

	return TRUE;
	//return CWnd::Create(lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, 
	//	rect, pParentWnd, nID, pContext);

This works real fine in the SDI view, but not in a dialog. To make it run 
in a dialog I have dont the following:
  CFrame (created a frame on the dialog)
    CSplitterWnd (Created a splitter on the frame)
      CTreeView (left pane of the splitter using CreateStatic)
      CListView (right pane of the splitter using CreateStatic)

Here I even get the user message on CMainFrame as the parent of the View 
is the MainFrame.

The problem is my CTreeCtrlEx class member is getting corrupt. It is 
always getting reset to zero [NULL].
I dont want client of CTreeCtrlEx or derivative to handle NM_DBLCLK. So I 
post a user message (using ResgisterWindowMessage) to the parent window.
To keep the base class as general as possible I have a HWND m_DblClkHandler
as a member, so that I can post the user defined DBLCLK message to this 
window. I have added a method to set the handler window and used it as 

This works real fine i.e. the member is set correctly (while stepping 
through the code.) But is reset to zero, I don't know when. I set a 
conditional break point to m_DblClkHandler == 0. First I get this 
breakpoint in the ctor. This is fine. But I get it again in OnClick, when 
I click an item in the TreeCtrl.

You people have any idea about this weird behaviour?

I'll send out the executable if anybody requires to take a look at it.
This is the SDI implementation.

BTW, if I use CDirTreeCtrlEX directly on the Dialog with the 
SetDblClkHandler() method then m_DblClkHandler doesn't get corrupt. I get 
the user message and everything works fine as required.




On 24 Sep 1996, rwagner wrote:

> Milind
> In your mainFrame class (I'm using SDI, but I don't see why this should not 
> work in a dialog), override OnCreateClient as follows.
> CSplitterWnd wndSplitter1 and wndSplitter2 are protected members of
> mySDIFrame class.  The .h files where your views are defined must be
> #included before this point as well.
> BOOL mySDIFrame::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs,
>  CCreateContext* pContext)
> {
>     wndSplitter1.CreateStatic( this, 2, 1 );  // 2 rows, one column.
>     // add the second splitter pane - nested splitter with 2 columns:
>     wndSplitter2.CreateStatic( &wndSplitter1, 1, 2,
>   wndSplitter1.IdFromRowCol(0, 0) );
>     // add the first splitter pane - a tree view in column 0
>     wndSplitter2.CreateView( 0, 0, pContext->m_pNewViewClass,
>         CSize(0, 0),  pContext );               
>     // add the second splitter pane - a list view in column 1
>     wndSplitter2.CreateView( 0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(IFListView), 
>         CSize(0, 0), pContext );
>     wndSplitter2.SetColumnInfo( 0, 300, 50 ); //int col, int cxIdeal, int cyMin
>    // add the third splitter pane - 'news' view in column 0
>     wndSplitter1.CreateView( 1, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(IFNewsView), 
>         CSize(0, 0), pContext );
>     // trial and error:
>     wndSplitter1.SetRowInfo( 0, 400, 0 ); //int row, int cyIdeal, int cyMin
>     wndSplitter1.SetRowInfo( 1,  10, 5 );
>     // you may or may not elect to use the following line, try first WITHOUT:
>     // SetActiveView( (CView*)wndSplitter2.GetPane(0,1) );
>     return TRUE;
> }
> I cut this from working code.  Alter to produce as many or as few views as you 
> want, this is the basic idea.
> Cheers, Rob
> You wrote:
> ___________\
> I have implemented class CTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrl
> for handling the MULTIPLE SELECTION and retrieving the selected items.
> I have also implemented class CDirTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrlEx
> to add the necessary DIR and FILE items.
> I wrote a test application in which I developed these classes. The test 
> involved a DIALOG box on which the tree control was placed. Every thing 
> works perfectly fine here.
> The problem is, now I want to use this (CDirTreeCtrlEx) control in a View.
> I also want a splitter in the dialog in the following manner:
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |     Tree View   |    List View     |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                |                 |                  |
                Vertical Splitter between TreeView and ListView

> -Milind

K.V.R.M.Rao -- kvrmrao@OPTIMASW.COM
Thursday, September 26, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]


You can do it in two ways. 1) Derive CTreeCtrlEx from CTreeView 
instead of from CTreeCtrl. Create a static splitter in your frame 
window's OnCreateClient. Create a CDirTreeCtrlEx in the left pane and 
CListView(or its derived class) in the right pane.

Of course, you have to use GetTreeCtrl() whenever you access tree
control within CTreeCtrlEx and CDirTreeCtrlEx classes.

2) You can use CControlView or its derived class and use 
CDirTreeCtrlEx as the control.

You can see the documentation of CControlView class and MFC examples, 
like VIEWEX, for splitter implementation.

Good luck.


Milind wrote on  Mon, 23 Sep 1996 17:56:41,

> Environment: VC++ 4.0, WinNT 3.51
> ---------------------------------
> Hello People!
> I have implemented class CTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrl
> for handling the MULTIPLE SELECTION and retrieving the selected items.
> I have also implemented class CDirTreeCtrlEx : public CTreeCtrlEx
> to add the necessary DIR and FILE items.
> I wrote a test application in which I developed these classes. The test 
> involved a DIALOG box on which the tree control was placed. Every thing 
> works perfectly fine here.
> The problem is, now I want to use this (CDirTreeCtrlEx) control in a View.
> I also want a splitter in the dialog in the following manner:
> 		+------------------------------------+
> 		|_|___________Dialog_________________|
> 		|		  |		     |
> 		|		  |                  |
> 		|                 |                  |
> 		|     Tree View   |    List View     |
> 		|                 |                  |
>                 |                 |                  |
>                 |                 |                  |
>                 |                 |                  |
>                 |                 |                  |
>                 |                 |                  |
>                 +------------------------------------+
> 				  ^
> 		Vertical Splitter between TreeView and ListView
> -Milind
-----From: Kostya Sebov 

Just an idea (I assume you're going to create split-separated controls in the
1. Create normal dialog with the controls placed in the dialog template next
to each other so they _look_ like split-separated.
2. In the dialog class create message handler for WM_SETCURSOR, where hit-test
whether the mouse is between the controls and chenge the cursor to the spliting
one, something like: <-|->
3. Create WM_LMOUSEDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_LMOUSEUP handlers and perform classical
tracking scenario that ends with two callls to SetWindowPos for the two child controls.

This is rather easy and will yeld _exact_ splitting look and feel without using
CSplitterWnd. This class is of course is capable of much more things (like
dynamic split) but they are not necessary in your case (IMO).

Two more consideretion for the recipe above.
- You may handle setting cursor in the WM_MOUSEMOVE handler but I prefer more
"self-explaining" way
- To be correct you should also provide a handler for WM_CANCELMODE, which is
supposed to cancel the tracking.

Kostya Sebov. 
Tel: (38 044) 266-6387 | Fax: (38 044) 266-6195 | E-mail: sebov@is.kiev.ua

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