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CSplashWnd destroys other windows or generates assert when

Dean Wiles -- deanw@isc-br.isc-br.com
Wednesday, September 11, 1996

Environment: VC++4.2/WinNT3.51

The CSplashWnd component from MSVC4.2 is handy but creates problems when
it's destroyed (in HideSplashScreen()) if it had been visible when another
window/dialog/messagebox is created.  If a window/dialog/messagebox is
created without specifying a parent, and the SplashWnd is visible but the
mainframe window is not visible, then the newly created window will assume
the splash screen is its parent (for example, see CDialog::PreModal()).
Then, later when the SplashWnd is destroyed (due to timer or keyboard/mouse
input), its surrogate children also get destroyed, which will cause a
messagebox to close or a dialog to generate an assert because it loses its
window handle.

So, you might say, give the new window/dialog/messagebox a parent and be
done with it!-)  Well, that works if I explicitely create a window, but if
MFC or other DLL (in my case ODBC) pops up a window, I still have the same

Is there a way to sterilize CSplashWnd (so that it can't have child
windows), or has anyone else come across this anomaly and have a fix for it?

Thanks, Dean.
Dean Wiles (deanw@mail.isc-br.com)          Olivetti North America
Phone:  (509)927-7037                       22425 East Appleway Ave
Fax:    (509)927-2499                       Liberty Lake, WA 99019-9534
If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  (John 8:36)

Roger Onslow/Newcastle/Computer Systems Australia/
Friday, September 13, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

>If a window/dialog/messagebox is
>created without specifying a parent,
>and the SplashWnd is visible but the
>mainframe window is not visible, then
>the newly created window will assume
>the splash screen is its parent

I investigated this, and it is not really a problem of CSplash... class at all
It is the way MFC works internally when trying to find a parent and there is no 
main window yet for the app.
I'll have another look and find the code that does this (but too busy to dig it 
up again just now :-)

So.. I don't believe you can fix the splash screen to stop it happening.

Perhaps what you could do is reparent its children to your main window before 
you kill the splash screen... but then you'd need to know which children are 
controls of the splash (if any) and which are not.
Or make sure you don't generate dialogs etc until you have a real main window.
(That's what I ended up doing from memory)

Roger Onslow
-----From: marty 

Yep- we hit exactly the same problem. 

I'm not sure what the rationale for using the timer is. Anyway, we nuked
use of the timer to kill the splashscreen. Instead, we start the
at the beginning of the apps InitInstance, and then we kill it at the
end of InitInstance.

BOOL CSGApp::InitInstance()
		// Just use this for the splash screen, although it can be extended
		CCommandLineInfo	cmdInfo;


... more stuff here....


	return TRUE;

void CSplashWnd::ShowSplashScreen(CWnd* pParentWnd /*= NULL*/)
	if (!c_bShowSplashWnd || c_pSplashWnd != NULL)

	// Allocate a new splash screen, and create the window.
	c_pSplashWnd = new CSplashWnd;
	if (!c_pSplashWnd->Create(pParentWnd))
		delete c_pSplashWnd;

void CSplashWnd::RemoveSplashScreen ()
	if (!c_bShowSplashWnd || c_pSplashWnd == NULL)
	ASSERT_VALID (c_pSplashWnd);

	c_pSplashWnd->HideSplashScreen ();


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