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Ed Bruck -- Ed.Bruck@Newnes.COM
Monday, July 17, 1995

Does anybody know where I can find a good MFC sample for
the List View control?



======  Ed Bruck
NEWNES  Programmer/Analyst, Windows NT Administrator
======  Newnes Machine Ltd.
        Salmon Arm, British Columbia

 email: Ed.Bruck@Newnes.Com

Mario Contestabile -- Mario_Contestabile.UOS__MTL@UOSMTL2.universal.com
Friday, December 15, 1995

I have a CListCtrl in a dialog with items lined up side by side. Is
there a way to decrease the spacing between those items?
Since the spacing between the items is longer than the items
themselves, it makes for a strange look.


Karunakaran KR -- cs1@sriven.scs.co.in
Thursday, March 06, 1997

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in 
ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
send me some sample code.

Thanks in Advance,

Mario Contestabile -- Mario_Contestabile.UOS__MTL@UOSMTL2.universal.com
Thursday, March 06, 1997

[Mini-digest: 8 responses]

>Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in 
>ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
>send me some sample code.

m_ListCtrl.SetItemState(nItem, LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED, 0x000F);


-----From: Regis NICOLAS 

At 10:03 AM 3/6/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0
>Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in 
>ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
>send me some sample code.
>Thanks in Advance,
Have a look to SetItemState(..., LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);
Hope this helps...

Regis NICOLAS -    R&D Windows
Smartcode Technologie

Tel.: (33) (0)4 67 59 30 16

-----From: Ajay K Sanghi 

You can try this code. this should work.

	LV_ITEM lvItem;
	lvItem.mask =  LVIF_STATE;
	lvItem.iItem = nItem;
	lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
	m_ListCtrl.SetItem( &lvItem );


On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Rajneesh wrote:

> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0
> Hi,
> Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in 
> ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
> send me some sample code.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Rajneesh
-----From: ktm@ormec.com

On mfc-l, Rajneesh wrote:
> Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in
> ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.

Hmm. This isn't exactly an "intermediate or advanced" question...

You need to use CListCtrl::SetItem. E.g.

// m_ListCtrl is your list control
// nItemToSelect is the 0-based index of the item you want to select
LV_ITEM lvitem;
ZeroMemory(&lvitem, sizeof(lvitem));
lvitem.mask = LVIF_STATE;
lvitem.item = nItemToSelect;
lvitem.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED;


Katy Mulvey                    <mailto:ktm@ormec.com>
Software Development Engineer
ORMEC Systems
-----From: "Eric Rosenquist" 

On  6 Mar 97 at 10:03, Rajneesh wrote:

> Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in 
> ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
> send me some sample code.


	someListCtrl.SetItemState(itemIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);

Note that you'll need to make sure the list control is in single-select 
mode if you want it to de-select any other selected items.  Use 
LVS_SINGLESEL when you create the list if this is the behaviour you want.

Eric Rosenquist, Strata Software Limited   http://www.strataware.com/
mailto:rosenqui@strataware.com   Tel: 613-591-1922  Fax: 613-591-3485
Quote: God bless those pagans.
         -- Homer Simpson
-----From: Shane Triem 

If you're not already doing so, it is better to create a structure that   
encapsulates all the fields of a row.  When you want to add rows to the   
list control, dynamically create an instance of the structure, initialize   
each member of the structure with the field data, then use the version of   
CListCtrl::InsertItem() that allows you to specify a 32-bit application   
specific value associated with the item (row).  Set this value to the   
address of the dynamically created structure.  (Make sure that when you   
delete items from the control that the dynamically created structures of   
the corresponding rows are also deleted so you don't have memory leaks!)

With this all said and done, to select a particular row, start at the   
first row and cycle through each item in the list control using   
GetItem().  GetItem returns a pointer to the item added including the   
32-bit application-specific data which is your data structure.  Cast it   
to the structure type and use the contents of the structure to determine   
if the row should be selected.

Below is sample code that I used to cycle through my list control.  I   
have a member variable which is a list control (m_OrdersListCtrl) and the   
structure type that contains my field values is called OEP_ITEMINFO.

 LV_ITEM Item;
 ZeroMemory(&Item, sizeof(LV_ITEM);
 int iLastItemIndex = m_OrdersListCtrl.GetItemCount() - 1;
 for (int iItemIndex = 0; iItemIndex <= iLastItemIndex; iItemIndex++)
  Item.iItem = iItemIndex;
  if (m_OrdersListCtrl.GetItem(&Item))
   pItemInfo = (OEP_ITEMINFO*)Item.lParam;
   if (pItemInfo->SomeField == ValueOfInterest)
    // Set selected state of item
    Item.state |= LVIS_SELECTED;

If you know the particular row that needs to be selected, use the   
following code:

 LV_ITEM Item;
 ZeroMemory(&Item, sizeof(LV_ITEM);
 Item.mask = LVIF_STATE;
 Item.iItem = IndexOfItemOfInterest;  // <----- Fill in with appropriate   
 Item.state |= LVIS_SELECTED;
(I am assuming that you are using the list control in report mode)

Hope this helps..

Shane Triem
STEP Technology
Portland, OR.

From:  Rajneesh
Sent:  Friday, March 07, 1997 12:10 AM
Subject:  CListCtrl

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in
ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
send me some sample code.

Thanks in Advance,

-----From: "Kenneth A. Argo" 

Try this out for size:

// Select item if the caller wants it selected
m_cListControl.EnsureVisible(iActualItem, FALSE);


From:  Rajneesh[SMTP:cs1@sriven.scs.co.in]
Sent:  Thursday, March 06, 1997 10:04 AM
To:  mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:  CListCtrl

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Could anyone help me out in enabling a particular record in 
ClistCtrl like "SetCurSel" property  in a ListBox.If possible please
send me some sample code.

Thanks in Advance,

-----From: ASalem_Ideal@nets.com.jo (Asila Salem)

If you're having problems setting the state of an item in a dialog list
control, try SetItem():

CListCtrl* plcTheList = (CListCtrl*)GetGlgItem(IDC_LIST);
LV_ITEM lvItem;
lvItem.iItem = nIndex;
lvItem.mask = LVIF_STATE;
lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED;
lvItem.state  = LVIS_SELECTED; //0 to deselect.
bOK = plcTheList->SetItem(&lvItem);

Otherwise, simply call:
bOK = SetItemState(nIndex, LVIS_SELECTED /*0 to deselect*/, LVIS_SELECTED);

Asila Salem
Senior Software Developer
IdealSoft, Jordan

Jason Healy -- jason@hkjcs.oz.au
Monday, March 17, 1997

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

The first step is to derive your own CListCtrl

	class CListCtrlTT : public CListCtrl {

Add the following members:

	CToolTipCtrl	m_tooltip;
	void AddTip(int nColumn, LPCTSTR lpszText);

Override the following functions (use classwizard) and implement as follows

	BOOL CListCtrlTT::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 
		return CListCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

	void CListCtrlTT::PreSubclassWindow() 

		CHeaderCtrl * ph = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(0);


Implement the extra function AddTip()

	void CListCtrlTT::AddTip(int nColumn, LPCTSTR lpszTip)
		CRect rc;
		CHeaderCtrl * ph = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(0);
		rc.right = 0;

		LV_COLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH;
		for (int nCol = 0; nCol <= nColumn; nCol++) {
			rc.left = rc.right;
			GetColumn(nCol, &lvc);
			rc.right = rc.left + lvc.cx;
		m_tooltip.AddTool(ph, lpszTip, rc, 1);

In your dialog class use the following:

		//.......as before
		m_ListTT.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_LIST1, this);
		m_list.InsertColumn(0, "Column 1", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60);
		m_list.InsertColumn(1, "Column 2", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60);

		m_list.AddTip(0, "Tip 1");
		m_list.AddTip(1, "Tip 2");

		return TRUE;
You now get tooltips. However this code still needs some work as to allow
the column widths to be re-adjusted. But this will get you going.

> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0
> Hi,
> I have a problem of invoking a CToolTipCtrl on the header of the List
> Control which is
> in a REPORT MODE style.I want to generate a seperate tooltip message for
> each column in 
> the HeaderControl.Could anyone help me out in solving this problem and
> me the sample code if possible.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Rajneesh Sharma

-----From: "Jason Healy" 

Further to ealier mail, if you get stuck changing the tooltip positions
when the column widths change
try the following

	BOOL CListCtrlTT::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) 
		BOOL bRet = CListCtrl::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult);

		NMHDR* pnmhdr = (NMHDR*)lParam;

		if (pnmhdr->code == HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA || pnmhdr->code == HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW)

			HD_ITEM * phdi	= ((HD_NOTIFY*)lParam)->pitem;

			CRect rc;
			CHeaderCtrl * ph = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(0);
			rc.right = 0;

			LV_COLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH;
			for (int nCol = 0; nCol < ph->GetItemCount(); nCol++) {
				rc.left = rc.right;
				GetColumn(nCol, &lvc);
				rc.right = rc.left + lvc.cx;
				m_tooltip.SetToolRect(ph, nCol + 1, rc);

		return bRet;
Notice this isn't that effiecint as it recalculates the rectangles for each
column, when it need only do this for the preceeding column 
to the one that has been changed, and all successive columns.


> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0
> Hi,
> I have a problem of invoking a CToolTipCtrl on the header of the List
> Control which is
> in a REPORT MODE style.I want to generate a seperate tooltip message for
> each column in 
> the HeaderControl.Could anyone help me out in solving this problem and
> me the sample code if possible.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Rajneesh Sharma

Hieu Nguyen -- nguyen_hieu@geocities.com
Monday, March 24, 1997

I followed the example, every thing worked fine, except I couldn't trap
OnNotify message as Jason Healy describe. May someone provide more
information. Thanks in advance.

Jason Healy wrote:
>                        Postage paid by:
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> [Mini-digest: 2 responses]
> The first step is to derive your own CListCtrl
>         class CListCtrlTT : public CListCtrl {
>         }
> Add the following members:
>         CToolTipCtrl    m_tooltip;
>         void AddTip(int nColumn, LPCTSTR lpszText);
> Override the following functions (use classwizard) and implement as follows
>         BOOL CListCtrlTT::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
>         {
>                 m_tooltip.RelayEvent(pMsg);
>                 return CListCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
>         }
>         void CListCtrlTT::PreSubclassWindow()
>         {
>                 CListCtrl::PreSubclassWindow();
>                 CHeaderCtrl * ph = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(0);
>                 m_tooltip.Create(this);
>                 m_tooltip.Activate(TRUE);
>         }
> Implement the extra function AddTip()
>         void CListCtrlTT::AddTip(int nColumn, LPCTSTR lpszTip)
>         {
>                 CRect rc;
>                 CHeaderCtrl * ph = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(0);
>                 ph->GetClientRect(rc);
>                 rc.right = 0;
>                 LV_COLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH;
>                 for (int nCol = 0; nCol <= nColumn; nCol++) {
>                         rc.left = rc.right;
>                         GetColumn(nCol, &lvc);
>                         rc.right = rc.left + lvc.cx;
>                 }
>                 m_tooltip.AddTool(ph, lpszTip, rc, 1);
>         }
> In your dialog class use the following:
>         CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
>         {
>                 //.......as before
>                 m_ListTT.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_LIST1, this);
>                 m_list.InsertColumn(0, "Column 1", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60);
>                 m_list.InsertColumn(1, "Column 2", LVCFMT_LEFT, 60);
>                 m_list.AddTip(0, "Tip 1");
>                 m_list.AddTip(1, "Tip 2");
>                 return TRUE;
>         }
> You now get tooltips. However this code still needs some work as to allow
> the column widths to be re-adjusted. But this will get you going.
> Jason
> Jason@hkjcs.oz.au
> -----From: "Jason Healy" 
> Further to ealier mail, if you get stuck changing the tooltip positions
> when the column widths change
> try the following
>         BOOL CListCtrlTT::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult)
>         {
>                 BOOL bRet = CListCtrl::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult);
>                 NMHDR* pnmhdr = (NMHDR*)lParam;
>                 if (pnmhdr->code == HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA || pnmhdr->code == HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW)
> {
>                         HD_ITEM * phdi  = ((HD_NOTIFY*)lParam)->pitem;
>                         CRect rc;
>                         CHeaderCtrl * ph = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(0);
>                         ph->GetClientRect(rc);
>                         rc.right = 0;
>                         LV_COLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH;
>                         for (int nCol = 0; nCol < ph->GetItemCount(); nCol++) {
>                                 rc.left = rc.right;
>                                 GetColumn(nCol, &lvc);
>                                 rc.right = rc.left + lvc.cx;
>                                 m_tooltip.SetToolRect(ph, nCol + 1, rc);
>                         }
>                 }
>                 return bRet;
>         }
> Notice this isn't that effiecint as it recalculates the rectangles for each
> column, when it need only do this for the preceeding column
> to the one that has been changed, and all successive columns.
> Jason
> jason@hkjcs.oz.au

Karunakaran KR -- cs1@sriven.scs.co.in
Tuesday, March 25, 1997

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Hi ,

I have a owner drawn CListCtrl which is in REPORT MODE.I want to trap the
event when the user drags 
the Horizontal scroll bar or Vertical Scroll bar.Could anyone help me in
trapping the event.

Thanx in Advance,


Dicky Singh -- Dicky@landmark.com
Wednesday, March 26, 1997

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

In short, subclass the listctrl, write a handler for WM_VSCROLL  and/or

In MFC (or now known as MFC&T), derive a class from CListCtrl, e.g. CListCtrl2, using the class wizard.
Add a member variable m_List (e.g.) in the dialog of type CListCtrl2
In your dialog's initdialog, add following before call to base class 
m_List.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_LIST1, this);
CDialog::OnInitDialog(); //\\//

In CListCtrl2, add a handler OnVScroll (WM_VSCROLL)

Dicky Singh
Phoenix Development Team

-----Original Message-----
From:	Rajneesh [SMTP:cs1@sriven.scs.co.in]
Sent:	Tuesday, March 25, 1997 1:22 AM
To:	mfc-l@netcom.com
Subject:	CListCtrl

Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0

Hi ,

I have a owner drawn CListCtrl which is in REPORT MODE.I want to trap the
event when the user drags 
the Horizontal scroll bar or Vertical Scroll bar.Could anyone help me in
trapping the event.

Thanx in Advance,
-----From: Sreekant Sreedharan 

Rajneesh wrote:
> Environment: VC++ 4.2b, Win 95, NT 4.0
> Hi ,
> I have a owner drawn CListCtrl which is in REPORT MODE.I want to trap the
> event when the user drags
> the Horizontal scroll bar or Vertical Scroll bar.Could anyone help me in
> trapping the event.
> Thanx in Advance,
> Rajneesh
	I think writing handlers for  WM_HSCROLL & WM_VSCROLL will do.

- From Sreekant Sreedharan

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