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CAsyncSocket problem

Jose L. Carles -- cove@jet.es
Tuesday, July 23, 1996

Enviroment: VC++ 4.1, NT 4.0


  I'm deriving a class from CAsyncSocket and overriding the notification messages, especially
OnSend(), but I'm having troubles with this callback. When I do a Connect() I receive one OnSend()
and one OnConnect() notifications (in that order) but while I'm receiving OnReceive() and OnClose()
I never receive OnSend() after doing a Send().

  I'm going to test the program on Windows 95.

  Has anybody any idea about this? Am I forgetting anything?



Friday, July 26, 1996

     I suggest that you begin by keeping in mind that a CAsyncSocket is a 
     wrapper for a "socket" that has been registered for WSAAsyncSelect for 
     all events. Therefore the MFC event handlers should mimick the 
     WSAAyncSelect callback paradigm.  There are some nuiances when dealing 
     with WSAAsyncSelect such as expecting FD_READs or OnRead() events that
     are not necessarily occurring at the correct time.  Your application
     will have to gate reactions to such events by adding a flag or 
     A good reference is a book by Quinn and Shute's Windows Sockets 
     Network Programming, ISBN 0-201-63372-8. 
     Good Luck !

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: CAsyncSocket problem
Author:  mfc-l@netcom.netcom.com at Internet
Date:    7/26/96 3:04 AM

Enviroment: VC++ 4.1, NT 4.0
  I'm deriving a class from CAsyncSocket and overriding the notification 
, especially
OnSend(), but I'm having troubles with this callback. When I do a Connect() I 
rec eive one OnSend()
and one OnConnect() notifications (in that order) but while I'm receiving 
OnRecei ve() and OnClose()
I never receive OnSend() after doing a Send().
  I'm going to test the program on Windows 95.
  Has anybody any idea about this? Am I forgetting anything?

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