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OCX wrapper and printing

Mark Williamson -- mwilliam@piresearch.co.uk
Wednesday, May 29, 1996

Using Windows 95 , 4.1 (subscription update (ie. the second 4.1 they sent 

I'm just trying to knock out a small app that lets me graph coverage 
information from a set of radio receivers. The data is displayed using the 
BPS Graph OCX on a CFormView. This part works fine.

When I come to print the form ( I have called all the appropriate bits of 
CView and routed the commands from the menus) the OCX graphs won't print. 
The OCX wrapper class has a function called SetPrintInfo one of the values 
of which is the HDC. However this is a short not a class HDC__ *. I cast 
the hdc to a void * and then a short and it all compiles and runs fine 
except there is no output. The OCX can print itself and my text that I add 
during OnPrint all prints  ok. I guess the problem might be that the OCX 
wrapper class (which I presume the developer studio builds? ) is forcing 
the HDC to be a short and throwing information away..

any ideas


Monday, June 03, 1996

> The OCX wrapper class has a function called SetPrintInfo one of the values 
of which is the HDC. However this is a short not a class HDC__ *. I cast 
the hdc to a void * and then a short and it all compiles and runs fine 
except there is no output.


I think you should be using CDC::GetSafeHdc() to return the HDC. Type
casting will just fiddle the value of CDC which isn't the same thing at all.

Dave Lowndes

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