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Subclassing Edit Control and Overwrite Mode

Thursday, April 18, 1996

Environment: VC++ 4.1 / Win 95

When I subclass my edit control the text entry mode
switches from overwrite to insert. See code below.

How do I restore overwrite mode?


*        MyPropPage.h

CTestEdt m_TestEdt;

*        MyPropPage.cpp

BOOL CDReqPge::OnInitDialog() 
    // Subclass edit control
    m_cpyEdt.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_TEST, this);


    return TRUE;

*       SubclassEdit.cpp
// SubclassEdit.cpp




UINT CTestEdt::OnGetDlgCode() 

void CTestEdt::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) 
    if (nChar == VK_RETURN)
        // Process Enter key
        MessageBeep(0); // Do nothing. This is sample code.
    CEdit::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);

Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

Dan Kirby -- dkirby@accessone.com
Monday, April 22, 1996

[Mini-digest: 5 responses - This one is weird...]

Hmmm.... I tried this and I got insertion mode  whether subclassing or not. 
 That is, the edit control is always in Insertion mode.  How are getting 
the control to perform overwrites.  This is not the default edit control's 


-----From: "michael" 

I should have been more precise. When an edit control
is first in the tab order, the default text entry mode is

-----From: Dan Kirby 

This is definitely not the case for me.  I had a property page with an edit 
control as the first control and I simply don't see what you are seeing. 
 There is definitely something you're not telling us.  Is this a regular 
Windows edit control??   Can  you describe the exact steps to reproduce the 
behavior you are seeing?


-----From: "michael" 


I appreciate your indulgence in this rather
unpredictable edit control behaviour.

First of all, when I undo the subclassing the
overwrite mode reappears.  So I feel the
bug has been sufficiently isolated. Agreed?

Secondly, in answer to your request here
are the properties:

Prop. Page Properties - child, thin, titlebar, border
Edit Control Properties - visible, tab stop, auto hscroll, border

Hope this helps

-----From: "michael" 

To Moderator:

Unfortunately, when I originally posted my problem with edit
controls and overwrite mode I mistakenly assumed someone
out there in "MFC-L land" had sureley encountered the same
problem. I mistakenly failed to anticipate that someone like
Dan Kirby would actually be so diligent as to try to recreate this.
I salute his efforts.  Since he has had some difficulty recreating
the problem, I've updated my original message below to contain
additional information.  Hopefully, this will shed new light on the
problem and not add to the confusion as to how to recreate it.



Try entering text in the subclassed edit control, then tab to the
next control. Now use shift+tab to return to the subclassed
edit control. Is your text highlighted? If it is NOT, then you're in
insert mode and you've recreated my problem.

Thanks again for your efforts.

Michael L. Thal
Data Tree Corporation
voice: (619) 231-3300
fax:      (619) 231-3301

Dan Kirby -- dkirby@accessone.com
Wednesday, April 24, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Oooooohhhhh.  Since you put it that way.....

The problem is that you need to let IsDialogMessage() know that the control 
 supports EM_SETSEL.  So your WM_GETDLGCODE handler should OR 
DLGC_HASSETSEL in the return value. Like this:

UINT CEdit1::OnGetDlgCode()


-----From: "David W. Gillett" 

  A brief bit of history may help clarify the question.

  Text-mode word-processing programs often provided two editing 
modes:  "insert" mode, where new characters are inserted at the 
cursor position and text to the right of the cursor is "pushed" to 
make room, and "overwrite" mode, where a new character entered 
replaces the character previously at the the cursor position. 
  Note that this overwrite mode relies upon the character-mode cursor 
semantics, where the cursor lies *on* some character cell, rather 
than the insertion-point semantics used in GUIs, where the "cursor" 
lies *between* character cells.

  GUI text-editing systems, including specifically the Windows edit 
control, are less "mode-oriented" than that.  New characters are 
inserted at the insertion point; if some text is selected, a new 
character entered (or text pasted) replaces the selected text, and 
there is now no text selected.  There is no shift between "modes", 
and there is nothing that looks very like the text-mode "overwrite" 

  [So I'm afraid that *my* initial reaction to the original question 
was to assume that you were trying to reproduce the text-mode 
"overwrite" behaviour.  I couldn't understand where you were 
getting the notion that this was something provided by the default 
edit control.] 

  It turns out, though, that your *actual* question concerns the 
setting of the selection when your edit control gets the focus.  
Since the edit control will receive a WM_SETFOCUS when it receives 
the focus (and is expected to send a WM_COMMAND|EN_SETFOCUS to its 
parent...) and implements a handler for EM_SETSEL (and MFC provides 
wrappers for all of this...), well, setting the selection any way you 
want it when the edit control receives the focus should only be a 
matter of a few lines.  [I have this nagging impression that there 
might be a wee bit more to it than that -- it's not obvious (to me) 
why your subclass code *changes* the control's default behaviour in 
this manner.]  


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