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Changing CPropertyPage size at run-time

Kevin Thomas -- kevin@cgltd.demon.co.uk
Monday, February 19, 1996

Hi all,

I've been working on this one for two days now but to no avail.

First the specs:
VC++ 4.0 , MFC 4.0

Now the problem:

I'm trying to write a form launching application that displays forms that
are defined by a script file. Each form is of variable size and displayed
within a Property Sheet. So what I need to do is set the size of the
property page before I call CPropertySheet::Create so that the sheet is
the right size to show all the controls on the forms.

Initially I sub-classed the CPropertyPage class using Class Wizzard which
automatically used a dialog template I had defined using the dialog editor.
I then created and diplayed the controls for the page within 
CMyPage::OnInitDialog. This worked fine but the size of my pages was set 
by the values specified in the .rc file at compile time.

I then tried various methods of changing the pages size using MoveWindow(),
etc. (well I had to try it) but this didn't work because (I presume) the
property sheet takes it's size from the dialog templates associated with
the pages.

Next, I tried to use the PSP_DLGINDIRECT flag. First I tried use LoadResource
to get at the existing dialog template and set the CMyPage::m_psp.pResource
variable to it. Unfortunately I could not change any of the pointed to by
this resource once I called LockResource to access it. Is there any way I can
get at a resource at run time?
Next I tried to build my own dialog template at run time, but I cannot get
this to work. I create and filled in a DLGTEMPLATE structure and set the
pResource member of m_psp to it but it doesn't work. The VC++ 4.0
documentation states that you need at least one DLGITEMTEMPLATE structure
after this (I assume I need to GlobalAlloc space for the structures before
hand and place them sequentially in memory) but it also says that these are
followed by three variable sized arrays, but, I can't find any information
on these arrays. Using this method the CPropertySheet is not created 
(athough no error message is given).

How do I set up a dialog template properly at run time? 
Is it possible to set up an empty dialog template with no DLGITEMTEMPLATEs
and arrays?
Or is there any better way of changing the page size?

thanks in advance,

Kevin Thomas - Control Group Ltd.

LeRoy Baxter -- lbaxter@cinfo.com
Tuesday, February 20, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses]

You need to do one of three things:
  1) write your own CPropertySheet class - there is code in the class
      to step through all the pages and calculate the size - you would
      need to override this
  2) make your pages a fixed size (based on a maximum size
  3) don't use CPropertySheet - use CTabCtl and CDialogs to simulate
       your Property Sheet forms

-----From: "David W. Gillett" 

  My current understanding of this is that CPropertySheet is, like 
MessageBox, a dialog derivative that achieves ease-of-use at the 
expense of versatility and flexibility.  So my hunch is that to get 
the flexibility you want, you'll need to abandon CPropertySheet's 
canned functionality, and instead create your own CDialog derivative 
with a CTabCtrl and a few CButtons.

  You should then be able to resize the CDialog derivative and the 
CTabCtrl at run-time, based on the CPropertySheet objects you will 
use.  I strongly suggest, though, that you do any such resizing in 
OnInitDialog, and not attempt to re-size as each CPropertyPage is 


-----From: Peter Olesen 

I don't know so much about property sheets but I have done some dialog
template mangling in memory and maybe this kan help:

The "Windows API Quick Reference" help files for VC2.2 (and hopefully VC4.0)
have information on both the DLGITEMTEMPLATE and DLGTEMPLATE structs and the
variable arrays following them.

In short:
A dialog with no menu and standard class the DLGTEMPLATE struct is followed
by two 16bit words set to 0 (zero) and then a zero terminated UNICODE string
with the title, if the dialog does not have a title its just another 16bit
word of zero.

Then follow the DLGITEMTEMPLATE's, one for each control. If the dialog does
not have any controls there should be no DLGITEMTEMPLATE structs.

// Peter Olesen                                               //
// (peter.olesen@mailbox.swipnet.se)                          //
//                                                            //
// "Support the Blue Ribbon Campaign for free speech online." //

Iain Fyfe -- Iain_Fyfe@scet.org.uk
Wednesday, February 21, 1996

[Mini-digest: 2 responses]

Try this bit of code I used to increase the size of my property sheet in

	CRect ctParentRectWnd;	
	// dimensions of property sheet window bounding rectangle 
	this->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0,
		ctParentRectWnd.Width() + kCtrlWidth,
	// Increase the size of the window to accommodate the
	// new controls


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-----From: "jeffg" 

     One way of having CPropertySheet display the correct size you want is 
     to set all of your child dialogs to the same dimension (CPropertySheet 
     uses the first child window as a template on it's size, or at least it 
     did before 4.00).
     Another alternative is to do it this way. Derive a class from 
     CPropertySheet and add the following:
     int CIQPropertySheet::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
        m_bStacked = FALSE;  // we default to single line slider tabs
        if( CPropertySheet::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1 )
                return -1;
        // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
        CRect rectWnd;
        GetWindowRect( rectWnd );
        SetWindowPos( NULL, 0, 0, rectWnd.Width(), rectWnd.Height()+20,

        return 0;

     Set the Width and Height in the SetWindowPos command to your own values to 
achieve what you want.

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