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Jody Baudoin -- jabaudoin@halnet.com
Monday, January 15, 1996

From: jabaudoin@halnet.com
To:   MFC-Mailing List

Operating System:  Microsoft's Win-95
Compiler:  Microsoft's Visual C ++ VERSION 4.0
MFC     :  Microsoft's Version 4.0
Class:     CString, operator=
Debug Build:  Yes

Problem:   If I am correct, then there may be suttle bugs in any application
           that uses CString in version 4.0 of Microsoft's compiler.

Request:   Please advise (confirm, refute or elaborate on my conjecture).

Am I doing something wrong, OR is this a product defect?
If this is a product defect, then I believe this note would be of
great interest to any user of the product. (You could be producing
defective software).	

The following code works on version 1.52, but fails on version 4.0.
It fails by copying the "m_pchData" pointer instead of the actual data.

Version 1.52 does not have the m_pchData-pointer-copy-code in its 

The MFC version 4.0 code that copies pointers instead of data is 
in  \msdev\mfc\src\Strcore.cpp  at line number 253.
The start of the function is::

const CString& CString::operator=(const CString& stringSrc)

Any comments?  Thank you for posting this note, and for any responses
that may ensue.

/* Code that demonstrates the problem follows. */
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
class g
public :
  CString m_gstr;
  void g::SetStr(const CString & inCstr)
     m_gstr = inCstr;

/* Class Instance declaration */
g lg;

void CMainFrame::OnInitMenu(CMenu* pMenu)
/* Some test code that shows the problem */
CString lCstr;

    lCstr = "Here Here";

  /* m_gstr ends up with a copy of lCstr.m_pchData instead of */
  /* the data that m_pchData points to. */

    return ;

Regards, &c.,

Oleg Moroz -- moroz@inist.ru
Wednesday, January 17, 1996

[The answer and some code to demonstrate]

On Mon, 15 Jan 1996 16:03:59 -0600, jabaudoin@halnet.com (Jody
Baudoin) wrote:

> Problem:   If I am correct, then there may be suttle bugs in any application
>            that uses CString in version 4.0 of Microsoft's compiler.
> Request:   Please advise (confirm, refute or elaborate on my conjecture).

That's not a bug, just a smart ("lazy") implementation of string
copying. When you copy CString's, and none of them is locked (that is,
there's no outstanding GetBuffer[SetLength] on it), MFC 4.0 optimizes
this case by copying a pointer to actual string data and incrementing
usage counter. When one of these strings is later destroyed, the
reference count is decremented, and only when it goes to zero, the
data is released. If any of strings is modified, the data is copied
and only then modified.


-----From: Mark Kramer 

This code will show you how CString ref counts are working.

// cstr.cpp
// check CString class

const char NL = '\n';

	CString a("Hello");
	CString b;
	b = a;

	// see what we have
	cout << "String a: " << a << NL;
	cout << "String b: " << b << NL;

	// gives us the address of the internal buffer(s)
	cout << "String a's internal buffer: "
		 << (void*)(LPCTSTR)a << NL
		 << "String b's internal buffer: "
		 << (void*)(LPCTSTR)b << NL;

	// change b
	b += ", World!";

	// now see what we have
	cout << "String a: " << a << NL;
	cout << "String b: " << b << NL;

	// gives us the address of the internal buffer(s)
	cout << "String a's internal buffer: "
		 << (void*)(LPCTSTR)a << NL
		 << "String b's internal buffer: "
		 << (void*)(LPCTSTR)b << endl;

	return 0;

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