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file copy code?

Herbert W Stiel -- herb+@CMU.EDU
Sunday, January 14, 1996

Can someone show me how to implement a file copy function that uses
CArchive and CFile in VC++ 4.0?

For some reason this doesn't work for me:

char pbuf[100];

CArchive ar( &myFileDest, CArchive::store );

"loop until eof"
myfileSource.Read( pbuf, 100 );
ar << pbuf;

I think sending pbuf to the archive puts some extra things in at the end
- maybe "\t" or something.

Please clue me in.


Dan Creswell -- dancres@drake.bt.co.uk
Wednesday, January 17, 1996

[Mini-digest: 3 responses, including code]

> From: Herbert W Stiel 
> Can someone show me how to implement a file copy function that uses
> CArchive and CFile in VC++ 4.0?
> For some reason this doesn't work for me:
> char pbuf[100];
I don't think this is a good idea - In VC2 you'd write things of type
BYTE to avoid the archive routines adding type information etc.  I
suspect that CArchive is writing the array as you requested along with
an indication of it's type etc.

> CArchive ar( &myFileDest, CArchive::store );
> "loop until eof"
> myfileSource.Read( pbuf, 100 );
> ar << pbuf;

If I'm right a simple solution would be a loop thus:

BYTE buf;

"loop until eof"
myfileSource.Read(&buf, 1);
ar << buf;

> I think sending pbuf to the archive puts some extra things in at the end
> - maybe "\t" or something.
> Please clue me in.
> Thanks,
> Herb
If I'm wrong no doubt someone will say so!


-----From: John Simmons 
Subject: Re: file copy code?

At 01:10 PM 1/14/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Can someone show me how to implement a file copy function that uses
>CArchive and CFile in VC++ 4.0?

It doesn't use CASrchive, but maybe you can get something useful out of it.  

int CopyFile(CString inFile, CString outFile)
  ASSERT(!inFile.IsEmpty() && !outFile.IsEmpty());

  char VPbuffer[1001];
  CFile FileIn;
  CFile FileOut;
  CFileException locException;
  UINT locChars;

  if (FileIn.Open(inFile, CFile::modeRead | 
	                  CFile::shareDenyNone | 
	                  CFile::typeBinary, &locException))
    if (!FileOut.Open(outFile, CFile::modeCreate | 
	                       CFile::modeWrite | 
	                       CFile::typeBinary, &locException))
      return (-2);  // Could not create output file!
      locChars = FileIn.Read( VPbuffer, 1000 );
      if (locChars > 0) 
        FileOut.Write( VPbuffer, locChars );
      if (locChars < 1000) 
    return (-1);    // could not open input file!
  return (0);       // either no input file or copy OK!

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-----From: David Stidolph 

CArchive was not designed to do file copying.  CArchive was designed to =
assist in object persistance so it stores its own codes about objects =
and pointers to objects in the file structure.  Your use of '<<' puts =
information in the stream about the object about to be written (so when =
the archive is read it can know what to create).

Instead, try using CFile to open the old file and the new file and use =
your loop.

Thursday, January 18, 1996


I understand that the original posting somehow required the use of CArchive. 
However, it is much easier to perform file copy operations by using the Win 
API LZCopy(). The declaration is in "lzexpand.h". Just make sure you add the 
.lib file to your makefile: 
Win16: lzexpand.lib 
Win32: lz32.lib 
NOTE: The source file need not be compressed for this function to work (i.e. 
it will work with uncompressed files also). 

[Moderator's note: Wouldn't it have been neat if CFile or a derived
class had been based on the LZ routines?]
- Ross 

Mike Blaszczak -- mikeblas@msn.com
Saturday, January 20, 1996

> I understand that the original posting somehow required the use of CArchive. 

> However, it is much easier to perform file copy operations by using the Win 
> API LZCopy(). The declaration is in "lzexpand.h". Just make sure you add the 

> .lib file to your makefile: 

Actually, for Win32 applications, it's far more appropriate to use APIs like 
CopyFile() or SHFileOperation().

.B ekiM

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